Resident Pitmaster
f you want a pocket camera, get a point and shoot with some DSLR like functions or use your phone. If you really want to take pictures, bring a big camera with a good sensor and some good lenses. I'd love it if my 5d fit in my pocket with a 28-300 L on it, but it doesn't. The trade off is that it has an amazing full frame sensor that can do almost anything.
I pretty much agree with all of this, simply because I have been on that road. My new T6i isn't a full frame piece, but it will certainly do what I want it to do. The Nikon P7700 I used for a few years had only a couple stupid little problems with it that turned out to be deal breakers for a new Nikon. First off was the short proprietary usb cable. It is smaller than a regular mini usb, so you have to direct order a new one from Nikon if it gets lost or broken. 25 bones + shipping to get a new one. The second item turned out to be far more expensive.... batteries. I had two batteries for it... and then in late 2012 Nikon updated the firmware on the camera. Short story is that the update made it so the camera would not work with 3rd party batteries... or old Nikon batteries for that matter. More fuss, bother and expense. That being said, it took some fantastic pics. Here's one I took a few years ago. Not exactly tack sharp, that's because of the heat blur coming off the tracks and locomotive carbody.
DSCN1041SMENH2 by paladina1a, on Flickr