Nice! Wyalusing was a favorite and frequent camping spot as a kid..Went to Wyalusing State Park in southwest Wisconsin Wednesday.
Trail to the top,
It's almost 500 feet down on the other side of that railing. Rather than climb to the top we did it backwards. We drove to the top and took the trail down.
View of the Wisconsin River delta where it flows into the Mississippi.
Left side is the Mississippi. On the way home blew a hub and just before we got home we had a small but impressive fire in the right front wheel well. Last Wednesday I wound up in the hospital, this Wednesday I broke the truck, Wednesdays are my Monday, the first day of my work week and I'm starting to not like them even more than before!
There's a lot of good stuff for proper photographers rather than the guff i take, and a lot of it is a bit grim in a Trainspotting way
There are loads of great mountains though, most are quite small by most standards but that is because they are so old compared to the Alps or Rocky mountains. They are incredibly varied - Hopefully I will make a few more trips up north this year to take some snaps of them
My wife slipped on the mud, fell, rolled off the trail and fell about 2 feet onto a flat rock surface. Banged up her wrist and may have cracked a rib. Pain in her rib cage every time she makes certain movements.