With all the awesome photos here I feel not worthy. I have been hitting the state parks heavy lately and although my little Fuji Finepix works fine I decided to move up a bit. So tonight I ordered a Nikon D3300 with a Nikkor 18-55, and a Nikkor 55-200. Not exactly earth shaking gear I know but good enough to get me to a point where I decide if I need to by better stuff or not. I also downloaded Picassa the other day and have been playing with that a bit. Anything better than Picassa at that price(free)?
I'd like to offer my view on this.
First of all, every one of us sucked at one point. Further, each one of us continues to take sucky photos every time. It's just what happens. But we're all capable of taking good, or even great ones. Hopefully, we just become more consistent in taking good or great ones as we get better and know our equipment better.
I have seen stunning photos taken with an iPhone, so a Nikon D3300 is more than capable of taking a seriously GREAT photo. Sure, it's cheap. Sure, you can get better cameras.
But stop and think about this. There were stunning photos taken five or ten years ago, weren't there? Of course there were. Your camera blows the doors off many of those cameras from 5-10 years ago - including professional cameras.
The Nikon D3300 is perfectly capable of doing mind-blowing, National Geographic worthy "Holy crap, that is totally the sh*t" sort of images. Seriously.
See the photo I took of the lunar eclipse above? It's not a great photo - it was hazy - but it doesn't suck. That was taken with a camera that has lower specs than your D3300.
See this photo below? This was taken with a D7000, which has lower specs (lower ISO capability, less pixels) than your camera. It won Summer Photo of the Year in the Los Angeles Times. And again, with a noticeably less advanced camera than what you just purchased.
GIMP is good, powerful, and free, but I can't stand the interface, although I am told that they have a Photoshop-like interface. I found out illogical and clumsy, but maybe it's better now. I'm sure there's others out there as well.