This composite photo shows a full moon with an annual Harvest Moon with a perigee moon, otherwise known as a supermoon. A perigee moon, the opposite of an apogee moon, is about 31,000 miles/49889 km closer to the Earth than an apogee moon, which under ideal conditions can make the moon appear 14% larger and 30% brighter than an apogee full moon, which is why many have labeled it "supermoon". This information is taken from the NASA website.
But making it more exciting was the moon's reddish hue. This occurs because sunlight passing through the earth's atmosphere is reddened and bent inward toward the darkened surface of the eclipsed moon. This information is taken from an article written by Dennis Mammana.
The Upper Las Virgenes Canyon Open Space Preserve was open for this event, and many of us gathered on a hill overlooking the San Fernando Valley to witness this event,which had not occurred since 1982 - and will not be repeated until 2033. The evening was unfortunately cloudy and hazy, with the moon disappearing for many minutes at a time, so these photos aren't as sharp as I was hoping for.
Although I have been taking night sky photos for about three years, this is the first time I took photos of only the moon! And it was a lot of fun!!
Now for the really geeky stuff. This is a composite of five photos of the perigee lunar eclipse. Aside from the composite, the photos show the natural appearance of the moon during that time. The total eclipse of the moon occurred on 27 September 2015 between 7:11 pm - 8:23 Pacific Daylight Time here in Los Angeles, CA. I took each photo of the moon between 7:54 pm to 8:43 pm, mostly closer to those times and not so much in between. This is due to clouds obscuring the moon, often for as long as 15-20 minutes, with several other times in which the moon was completely or almost completely hidden behind clouds, Consequently, this is not an accurate time-lapse in any capacity. And conditions were hazy even when the moon did appear from behind the clouds, so these aren't the clearest, sharpest photos. But no matter, the experience was totally enjoyable. I used a Nikon D7000 with a 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6 G VR AF-S ED zoom lens at about 250mm, not extending it all the way because the moon appeared to be sharper when the lens was not fully extended. But because I was using an APC-S sensor, 250mm is actually closer to about 375mm.
Under a Blood Red Moon
Ken Lee Photography
Nikon D7000, Nikon 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6 G VR AF-S ED Zoom @ 250mm. 2015-09-27 This is a composite of five moons taken between 19:54 - 20:43. First two moons 3s f/8 ISO 1600; last three moons 2.5s f/11 ISO 1000. 4000k. This is a composite of five photos done in Photoshop CS6. Aside from the composite, the photos show the natural appearance of the moon during that time.
Upper Las Virgenes Canyon Open Space Preserve, West Hills, CA USA/EE UU.