2016-17 NFL Thread.

Cause and effect. This is what happens in the face of 16 years of people denying the stratospheric success of a historic franchise.

"Brady's a system quarterback. Take away the tuck rule, he's got nothing."
"Bellichick is no big deal, take away Brady..."
"They filmed the opposing bench 15 feet away from where they could leagally film the bench, their wins don't count."
"Some guy caught a football with his head, that proves the team is a fraud."
"I failed eighth grade science, they are cheaters."
"They can only win Superbowls by three points, they aren't that good."
"Their division is bad (because I haven't bothered to look up the statistics), that's why they won five Superbowls."

As a team, they face as much stupid criticism as I can remember.

why do you care what other people say about a sports team that you like? It's a fucking kids game played by adults for ridiculous amounts of cash. I'm sure Tom cries himself to sleep at night next to his super model wife, in his mansion with his Scrooge McDuck size pile of cash because people on the internet don't like him or think he can't win without Bill or that so and so is a better QB than him.

When you win you get criticized deal with it or root for the Browns. Then nobody cares enough to criticize.
I think Goodell's balls were a little deflated.

People hate any team that wins over another team that they favor. It gets worse if they win a lot.

There was a cool commercial afterwards which had Tom getting his 4 rings put in a safety deposit box...He pulls out a 5th and says something like "oh yeah I almost forgot this one - it's kinda new".

One of the things that made me like Brady was all of the irrational hatred that I would hear from opposing fans. If Gronk was there and healthy...35 to 20 for the Patriots in regulation.
So, if I'm the 49ers, Kyle Shamahan is not my next coach. You are on the 21 and a field goal basically ends the game. The only thing you can't do is take a sack, so you run. Oh wait, you call a pass, that's smart and get sacked out of field goal range. Then you get a third and 1. Devonte Freeman had his way the entire game with the Pats D so you call a pass, Ryan gets blind sided and fumbles. 2 of the worst play calls in the history of the super bowl.

Congrats to the Pats on a good 4th quarter.
Yep, all the Falcons had to do at that point was run it 3 times to get the clock down, or at least get the Pats to burn their timeouts, then kick the field goal to make it a 2 score game. Terrible calls by Shanahan. He obviously learned nothing from Pete Carroll's similar blunder 2 years ago. That was against the Pats too...hmmm...coincidence?
The last sack, and a couple more earlier, were the reasons, if the Falcons held on, I was picking Jones for MVP and not Ryan. Especially on that last one, he has to get rid of that ball. But yes, it was a dumb play to call.
It's a fucking kids game played by adults for ridiculous amounts of cash.

Why would you care enough to come into the thread and complain bitterly? It's entertainment. It's no less irrational than being worked up at Jar Jar or the Ghostbusters reboot.
Why would you care enough to come into the thread and complain bitterly? It's entertainment. It's no less irrational than being worked up at Jar Jar or the Ghostbusters reboot.

I'm not sure where I was bitterly complaining. I was pointing out that Pats fans get all pissed at people who hate their team and when the Pats pull off an amazing comeback, the first post "Suck it Pats haters." With that kind of attitude, its no wonder people hate them. When my team wins a game like that, my first response isn't "suck it people who don't like my team." In fact, I never even think about people who don't like my team.
I'm not sure where I was bitterly complaining. I was pointing out that Pats fans get all pissed at people who hate their team and when the Pats pull off an amazing comeback, the first post "Suck it Pats haters." With that kind of attitude, its no wonder people hate them. When my team wins a game like that, my first response isn't "suck it people who don't like my team." In fact, I never even think about people who don't like my team.

My reply to stating to "Suck It" is for all who have expressed there hate for the PATS. When the thread started this year, there was a lot of PATS bashing and as a fan, you back your team. Check out Prages post or 335clone's posts from page 29. That should say enough!
My reply to stating to "Suck It" is for all who have expressed there hate for the PATS. When the thread started this year, there was a lot of PATS bashing and as a fan, you back your team. Check out Prages post or 335clone's posts from page 29. That should say enough!

That's a funny way to "back your team." But whatever makes you feel good.
That's a funny way to "back your team." But whatever makes you feel good.

It wasn't directed at everyone, just the haters who post hate.

I am not a fan of the Seahawks but I congratulated SVL on his victories and wins. Had the Falcons been playing another team (ie: the Steelers), I would have been rooting for them. Last year I wanted the Broncos to win. Heavily not a Bronco fan but wanted to see Peyton go out on top.
It was directed to everyone, just the haters who post hate.

I am not a fan of the Seahawks but I congratulated SVL on his victories and wins. Had the Falcons been playing another team (ie: the Steelers), I would have been rooting for them. Last year I wanted the Broncos to win. Heavily not a Bronco fan but wanted to see Peyton go out on top.

My point isn't who it was directed at but hey, congrats on the win. The D really showed up in the second quarter and finally shut down a prolific offense. Not many teams held them to 21 points this year.
Yep, all the Falcons had to do at that point was run it 3 times to get the clock down, or at least get the Pats to burn their timeouts, then kick the field goal to make it a 2 score game. Terrible calls by Shanahan. He obviously learned nothing from Pete Carroll's similar blunder 2 years ago. That was against the Pats too...hmmm...coincidence?

The thing I noticed, especially in the 4th, was how the Falcon's defense were taking longer to get to the line, standing longer and not able to get the penetration or pressures on Brady. Pats started moving the ball further on each play and opened the offense up. On the other side, the Pats defense was getting more pressure & forcing Ryan to get rid of the ball before he was ready. They needed points on the board in the 4th and just couldn't get the offense moving like the earlier half of the game. Freeman might as well have been a traffic cone on that sack....then the penalty was the nail in the coffin. I think you saw a team conditioned for the superbowl with patience vs a young dynamic team that just didn't have the endurance for 4 quarters of that game.
My point isn't who it was directed at but hey, congrats on the win. The D really showed up in the second quarter and finally shut down a prolific offense. Not many teams held them to 21 points this year.

I caught my own typo and corrected - "It wasn't directed at everyone, just the haters who post hate."

Just a note that the statement wasn't directed towards you. I have never seen you express hate.

As for the D, I agree. SVL said it best that Belichick will make adjustments and they did. Heard on the Dan Patrick show this morning about the game. Unsure if this was truly said or not... Quinn told his team that it was all downhill at halftime. This is something that Belichick would have never said. The game is 60 minutes and if you remember the season the PATS were running up the scoreboard, it was because of certain teams who could score. The PATS defense wasn't that good so in order to win, you outscore the opponent by large numbers.