2016-17 NFL Thread.

That was flipping crazy sauce! Congrats Saint, and you other Pat people! An amazing effort to come back, along with a young team that lost focus. Jones was my favorite player of the day though.
Well I must say I'm glad that it was a good game...though I doubt Atlanta fans are saying that. Giving up 31 unanswered points isn't so good. It will be a long off season for them trying to figure out what went wrong in less than a half of football.

Have to give Brady the crown for best ever now I think. It's hard to imagine anyone else.
Yeah, but the Falcons won the popular vote.

Alternative sports.


Am in my Pat Patriot shirt, having just watched the 2nd half for the third time. That ... just kind of happened. Huge plays from Hightower, White, Amendola.

And no, that didn't suck. Be serious, that was very entertaining.
So, if I'm the 49ers, Kyle Shanahan is not my next coach. You are on the 21 and a field goal basically ends the game. The only thing you can't do is take a sack, so you run. Oh wait, you call a pass, that's smart and get sacked out of field goal range. Then you get a third and 1. Devonte Freeman had his way the entire game with the Pats D so you call a pass, Ryan gets blind sided and fumbles. 2 of the worst play calls in the history of the super bowl.

Congrats to the Pats on a good 4th quarter.
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And you wonder why people hate the pats and their fans.

Cause and effect. This is what happens in the face of 16 years of people denying the stratospheric success of a historic franchise.

"Brady's a system quarterback. Take away the tuck rule, he's got nothing."
"Bellichick is no big deal, take away Brady..."
"They filmed the opposing bench 15 feet away from where they could leagally film the bench, their wins don't count."
"Some guy caught a football with his head, that proves the team is a fraud."
"I failed eighth grade science, they are cheaters."
"They can only win Superbowls by three points, they aren't that good."
"Their division is bad (because I haven't bothered to look up the statistics), that's why they won five Superbowls."

As a team, they face as much stupid criticism as I can remember.
Am in my Pat Patriot shirt, having just watched the 2nd half for the third time. That ... just kind of happened. Huge plays from Hightower, White, Amendola.

And no, that didn't suck. Be serious, that was very entertaining.
It sucked if you were born in Atlanta and have seen this movie too many times.