Why does everyone hate Papa John's pizza so much? Is it a hipster thing?

It is all a matter of personal tastes. I don't care for Papa John's pizza myself, but it is better than the pizza I got at a fancy place in Alexandria, VA. Most people probably love that pizza in Alexandria.
Of the three "biggies", I'll choose Domino's every time (in large part because it's right at the end of my street; a 1 min drive). Before I knew what a tool Papa John was, I ate there several times over the years and (as a Supreme pizza lover) always found the toppings to be way too sparse.

The only way I'll eat their stuff now is if it's free and the only choice (i.e. someone gets pizza when we're working late and I didn't get a say in choosing the place).
There is no reason, living smack dab in the center of the pizza belt, that you should even consider consuming that cardboard excuse for a pie. For shame. I could see maybe if you live in Iowa, and it being one of the few choices of chain pizzas.
I don't mind the pies, but mister John has made it clear he's going to spend any money i give him to advance causes opposed to my best interests. So /uck him. Mr. Fricano down the street makes a good pizza, plus he supports local music and sponsors little league and stuff.
And yet, Papa Johns and Dominos have incredibly successful franchises here. In summation, people are awful.

Bad taste is ubiquitous around the world. It just stands out more in America because, as the wealthiest nation on Earth, we should have better art, architecture, design, clothes, and food than we do.
If I get a 'pizza chain' pizza around here, I go to Jets Pizza http://jetspizza.com

I'm surprised that Jets Pizza isn't Howie's favorite pizza chain :embarrassed: (Mets/Jets/Nets)

I know you were :P, but I don't think Jets is in Howie's part of the world yet. We just started seeing them here about 2 years ago, and it is the best of the "fast" pizza chains bang-for-buck; that said, to echo PK I have no problem basically closing my eyes and stumbling into a decent non-chain pizza joint, even in my little town.