Dig it! The Perpetual Pedalboard of the Day Thread

You've always had a thing for copyright infringement.
Well, that too.

The black one has black lettering on the controls. Unless the light was just right so you could see the raised lettering, you couldn't read it. I was going to get the pink version of the lucky cat, but I found a pink panther for cheaper. They are the same pedal minus the copyright infringement :grin:
Decided to put my Rat build back on.

Last night:


I ended up putting the Wampler compressor back in in place of the Xotic SP compressor just a few songs into the first set.
What made you switch back?
The character of the compression/overall sound didn’t work as well for rock music with the way I was running my amp. I put it on the board last week when I was running the amps I put gain dirtier. Now that I’m back to running it cleaner the Wampler sounds better.
New speaker in the amp, completely revamped pedal board as a result...:embarrassed:
2018-12-30_07-09-36 by jelloman 1965, on Flickr

The Red Llama I got from my still anonymous secret santa ALMOST made the board...almost...

You know, if you move the amp switch to the floor, you'd have room for 2 more pedals :grin:

All kidding aside, it isn't getting power and it isn't attached to your pedal chain, it can easily go off board.

My board(s) are all torn apart. I'm waiting for my Black Friday/Lovepedal spree pedals to arrive before I put them back together. It is a task I hope I am up for :grin:
You know, if you move the amp switch to the floor, you'd have room for 2 more pedals :grin:

All kidding aside, it isn't getting power and it isn't attached to your pedal chain, it can easily go off board.

My board(s) are all torn apart. I'm waiting for my Black Friday/Lovepedal spree pedals to arrive before I put them back together. It is a task I hope I am up for :grin:
I know, but I'm out of 9 volt taps on the power supply anyway...the Morley is already being powered by a seperate 9v power supply...

I didn't even put pedal size and layout into consideration whenI chose them...it just worked out that there was enough room for the switch to go on the board without leaving anything off...

I switched over to the 2 mini TC pedals because I always only use toneprints anyway...the friggin' Pigtronix Disnortion is the best sounding fuzz I have so it went on (it was close between that and the Red Llama) so it went on...

The Texas Heat has such a different sound profile that it made a lot of my old setup unusable, and most of the pedals that stayed on the board are set completely differently, most significantly the OCD which is set pretty much opposite of where it was before...

I am in the market for a Klon Klone to replace the Saucy Box (or maybe a Dumble clone)...that's the only pedal I don't have an answer for right now...
I am in the market for a Klon Klone to replace the Saucy Box (or maybe a Dumble clone)...that's the only pedal I don't have an answer for right now...

I recently acquired a Mythical Overdrive and it is by far the best Klone I've owned.
I recently acquired a Mythical Overdrive and it is by far the best Klone I've owned.
I'm thinking a Tumnus or an Archer myself...but the Vertex Dumble clones really sound good as well...that whole low-gain OD region is tricky as hell for me...