Dig it! The Perpetual Pedalboard of the Day Thread

my new board:


I bet that thing is fun. If I were much younger and had no kids, I'd probably give one a try. I bailed on the DD-500 because I knew I'd never have the time to set it up the way I needed to and I can't imagine how much more time that thing would take.
its pretty awesome. a huge step up from the last multi effects units i tried - digitech rp1000, digitech gsp 1101, line 6 m9.

i got it the same day that i took it to band practice. i initially set it up as a pedal board going into a clean amp which was easy and sounded great. halfway through i went into my fx return and used amp models and that was amazing too.

they basically made it so you don't need to read the manual, everything just makes sense. sounds really good too. i love it.

Ok, dig this.

The GT-1 is running in a mix loop of the LS-2. So I can control the wet/dry blend and bypass the GT-1 from the LS-2. This allows me to run as many effects as I want on the unit, and still have a dry thru. The red Simple Switch can control any two parameters I assign to it.
Imposter. The Lunar Phaser has menus, an app, and you can load other modulations onto it. If you were the real Chad, this would be way too complicated a pedal for you.

I'm surprised you didn't ask why I went from the JHS Black Lucky Cat to the JHS Pink Pink Panther :grin: