About 5 years ago, I got up to 220+... It just sort of crept up over the years... So, I decided to cut out a whole lot of crap that I knew was bad for me... Basically, NO fast food, no fries, onion rings, or any fried food, no more burritos and tacos off the lunch trucks, no Hostess products dumped in my coffee, no more pizza a couple times a week, etc... In 3 months, I dropped 40 pounds, and got down to 185, and I've stayed there since... Still, I have at least 10 more pounds to go, although I don't pay any attention to my weight... Mainly, I want to be string, fit, and energetic, and I have a goal to be in the best shape I've been in for 20 years by the time I turn 50, which gives me about two and a half years...