That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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OK, sounds like a lot of fun! Utter wankage at the end is a must, of course! Not too metal, eh? Well, I'll be eagerly awaiting further instructions... Meanwhile, I'll play my guitar, wondering just how metal I get to get! :)
I'm not fat. 165# baby!
No, I can't tap.
Or maybe I should say I'm not gonna tap. I prefer soft shoe.


:thu: I haven't seen 165 since 11th grade... I graduated 170, and I was ripped, so I don't know that I could be much less that that... I'm also stronger now, after 25 years of construction, so I think a good goal for me would be around 175... I'm around 185 at the moment...
About 5 years ago, I got up to 220+... It just sort of crept up over the years... So, I decided to cut out a whole lot of crap that I knew was bad for me... Basically, NO fast food, no fries, onion rings, or any fried food, no more burritos and tacos off the lunch trucks, no Hostess products dumped in my coffee, no more pizza a couple times a week, etc... In 3 months, I dropped 40 pounds, and got down to 185, and I've stayed there since... Still, I have at least 10 more pounds to go, although I don't pay any attention to my weight... Mainly, I want to be string, fit, and energetic, and I have a goal to be in the best shape I've been in for 20 years by the time I turn 50, which gives me about two and a half years...
That's awesome! If I cut out da booze, I'd drop the weight wit a quickness. So, we've made an effort to eat healthier as well.

Of course, those efforts were basically shat upon during the 12-hour tailgate yesterday.

I too don't care about the weight, just want to get more fit.
I'm in long johns and a robe... waiting for the swelling in my foot to go down... accomplishing jack shit... Well, I did play some guitar today... :thu:
all I gots left to do on the new Peekertones tune is the bass track, which I'll save for later tonight.
I gotta do vocals for that other one I sent you a preview of, so I wanna get that done while I'm the only one here.

so, that means I gotta write more lyrics

and I still gotta hit the post office
So far so good... Looks like the house will close next week... Then I have to drive 500 miles down there, put up a fence, do some repairs, get it all ready and livable for my family and animals, drive back up north 500 miles, pack all our belongings, and get us all moved... Whew... Spending lots of money...

I know what you mean. We have a live-in contractor right now. He's finishing the balcony today! Woot. Just re-painted the outside yesterday. We are bleeding cash.
What is really stoking us is being lucky enough to be in a position to capitalize on a shitty economy... Our mortgage is going to be 300 bucks a month...Even with tax and insurance, we are looking at about $450/month total...I haven't had rent that cheap since I rented an Airstream trailer 15 years ago, back when I was single...
Yea, I don't think prices have been this low in 25 years... I'd be a fool to not jump on it... There's stuff needed to make it livable for us, but luckily, I have the cash... It's a humble house on a tiny lot, but it still has 4 bedrooms and 2 garages... Compared to what we are currently living in, the new house still seems huge...
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