That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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Yea, I don't think prices have been this low in 25 years... I'd be a fool to not jump on it... There's stuff needed to make it livable for us, but luckily, I have the cash... It's a humble house on a tiny lot, but it still has 4 bedrooms and 2 garages... Compared to what we are currently living in, the new house still seems huge...

I love a good fixer upper.

my place was a fixer-upper too.
still is.

probably always will be.

but it's mine.
my first house, and likely my last.
I'll die here.


too much music to record first though

Shakespeare got skullz.

Wait. Is this one of those "free" dances where I wake up tied to a chair with my clothes and wallet gone?
I'm not gonna let that happen again. Four times is enough, thanks.

We shall see... I hope not... Before I moved up here, I was an avid exercizaholic, so I have a feeling that will happen again... Anyways, thanks for the support! :)
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