That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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But they got guns. Don't argue. :grin:

Man, my hollowbody gas is getting bad. Never shoulda picked up that kingpin and 5120 the other day.

Well, I'd get it for you, but Peeker would be jealous that I didn't buy him a tele... So then I'd have to buy him the damn tele, and my wife would be jealous that I didn't get her a flying vee (yes, she really wants one)... OK, great, so I buy her the freakin flying vee, but then guess what?! By this time I will be jealous of your Casino, and will be forced to get one for myself...

Honestly, I think it's more in my best interest to bypass you three, and just get the Casino for myself... :thu:
Happy Thanksgiving all. Hope everyone's travels are safe, family is well, friends are many, and the food is good.
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