That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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Well, I can say my ears are still quite congested. I can't hear anything right now. Thoise chords seem to work ok, but who knows? :lol:

Plus, having never used that sus4 chord, I'm gonna need some work getting that switch clean

Jello: What what?



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Back in '95 I bought an Ibanez Talman from Dick's Pawn shop North when I lived at Myrtle Beach, SC. I sold it to a cousin around '98. Last week, I bought it back from him. Here is my prodigal Talman along with my Ibanez family. My first Ibanez was my RG760 I bought back in '89. My main guitar is probably my Les Paul classic, and my new favorite is my Carvin CT6. But by far, my largest family is my Ibby family.














It's about 33 degrees right now, so that's not bad, compared to last year at this time, when it was 17 degrees... Probably get some snow/rain later, to add to the couple inches...
We still need rain desperately, so I gues I shouldn't complain.

I think those chords you offered up the other day are gonna work. Still need to do some tweaking with the words to get em to fit right, but I think it may actually become a song. :cool:

So, it's about 6 AM here, and I've been up since 4:20 because my son wakes up at around 4 every morning, goes to the wall, window, and door, and pounds on it... continually... reset to bed... two minutes later, bam bam bam... reset to bed a few more times... bam bam bam... Not only is he autistic, so he knows no wrong, he is hyperactive, like both his parents... bam...

But we love him.... :)

One guy, Bill, I used to work with, was diagnosed with "autistic tendencies." He was a fairly smart guy, but exhibited most of the telltale autistic traits, to a mild degree.
He loved Dr. Pepper and bought a can every day at the workshop. He was so hilarious when he got it. He'd be rocking back and forth, tapping on the top of the can.
To him, a Dr Pepper was beautiful, or a "beaut," as he called it. He couldn't wait to crack it open. All through the lunchline, he's tapping on his can saying "I'm gonna crack me a beaut." :lol:
Bill was hilarious. Any good looking lady he saw was "foxy momma."
He loved thing that went in circles, especially record players. This was the early 90s, so record players came into the thrift shop all the time. When one came in, he'd have to bring it home to make sure it worked properly. He'd test it out with a record, of course, but the amazing thing was when it cam to adjusting the speed. He could start it up and adjust the spped just by watching it turn. The phucker was dead on every time. Incredible to watch him do that, even without the strobe.
He could beat on walls, too. :grin:

my 2nd wife's brother is autistic.
he gets violent rages now and then, but man, you've never seen anyone work with computers like this guy...
basement full of 'em.

me, I'm hard(ly) at work on a new track for the 2nd Peekertones cd.
4.5+ minutes of metal madness.
I keep fucking up one of them guitar tracks though.:mad:
I really, really wanna have this tune DONE today, and I still gotta write lyrics yet.
though lyrics have never really been an issue for me.

gotta make a run to the post office too.
nailed that guitar track.
now I gotta figure if I'm happy with the solos.
(there's four, kinda. well, three, really, but more like two)

mebbe have a cig & debate with self about solos
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