One guy, Bill, I used to work with, was diagnosed with "autistic tendencies." He was a fairly smart guy, but exhibited most of the telltale autistic traits, to a mild degree.
He loved Dr. Pepper and bought a can every day at the workshop. He was so hilarious when he got it. He'd be rocking back and forth, tapping on the top of the can.
To him, a Dr Pepper was beautiful, or a "beaut," as he called it. He couldn't wait to crack it open. All through the lunchline, he's tapping on his can saying "I'm gonna crack me a beaut."
Bill was hilarious. Any good looking lady he saw was "foxy momma."
He loved thing that went in circles, especially record players. This was the early 90s, so record players came into the thrift shop all the time. When one came in, he'd have to bring it home to make sure it worked properly. He'd test it out with a record, of course, but the amazing thing was when it cam to adjusting the speed. He could start it up and adjust the spped just by watching it turn. The phucker was dead on every time. Incredible to watch him do that, even without the strobe.
He could beat on walls, too.