That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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My kid and his band Fancy Thursdays did Radiohead's "Weird Fishes" for da talent show.
Nicely done.
I still don't like Radiohead.

I feel 72% better today.

The boy's act didn't win the talent show. Radiohead isn't exactly the stuff to wow a bunch of stuffy judges at a skool, but I think they did a good job.
The new custom Rincon Tele sounded great.
My youngest promises me he'll get all our vids on YT today. This one, plus the Sinatra performance.

Going to sit down now and work on that chord progression you offered up on my new year song.


:thu: Cool... I figure it is an idea to try... Maybe you'll like it as is, or at least maybe it will expand your thoughts and help you find what you might be looking for... Keep in mind that you have both open chords and bar chords at your disposal...
One more little tidbit for ya, EG... I throw in that Dsus4 on the last line of the verse, but I actually am only there for a second, and go back to the regular D before going to the next verse... The Dsus4 adds tension, but "should" be resolved back to the D... Of course, these are suggestions, and art is whatever you want it to be...
Well, I can say my ears are still quite congested. I can't hear anything right now. Thoise chords seem to work ok, but who knows? :lol:

Plus, having never used that sus4 chord, I'm gonna need some work getting that switch clean

Jello: What what?

For the Dsus4, if you are playing an open D, all you have to do is drop the pinky onto the 3rd fret on the high E string...

Yea, the chords work because they are all in the key of Em (aka E Aeolian)... Or, in my mind, since the main riff is off of an Am chord, it is in the key of A Dorian... I'm still not quite sure how a real musician would look at that, but I don't care... Shred over the top of the progression in A Dorian (same damn notes as E Aeolian), and you will aspire to be a melodic guitar god...

Oh, no leads for you huh... OK, I'll shred A Dorian over it and aspire to be a guitar god...
OK, EG, not that you care, but I care to not spread misinformation, that progression is technically in the key of A minor...

However, jamming in the A minor scale will not sound right unless the 6th is not flatted, as it would be in a regular A minor scale... Of course, I see it as the Dorian pattern, but I am wrong...

Hope that helps to cloud things up... Fortunately, you are strictly rhythm, and don't want to make it cry or sing, so who gives a crap what key it's in...
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