That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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I really do like this pedal. I'm wondering if anyone has experience with the Keeley modded TS9DX? It's not that i don't like it now...I just want it to be able to be a bit gain-ier.

And thanks, EG. i always liked this avatar.
I really do like this pedal. I'm wondering if anyone has experience with the Keeley modded TS9DX? It's not that i don't like it now...I just want it to be able to be a bit gain-ier.

And thanks, EG. i always liked this avatar.

I haven't had experience with that particular pedal, but Keeley mods always sound MUCH better. Not sure if it adds more gain though.
I haven't had experience with that particular pedal, but Keeley mods always sound MUCH better. Not sure if it adds more gain though.
Okay, i think i'll do it after christmas. I guess when i say "gainier" i mean that it doesn't sound so artificial with the drive up high. Thanks for the input!

Lawyers have a slow season?


People put things off during the slack season, when their incomes are down. I have always worked for the people that work for the rich folks around here, not for the rich folks directly (construction workers, small business folk, landscapers, cleaners, etc.). When the recession hit, I noticed a fall off in my traditional work (DUIs, Divorce, general stuff) because the workers didn't have money in their pockets. i ended up doing a lot more bankruptcies. But people even put that stuff off when it is really slow.
Picked up a TS9DX today, can't stop playing it.

Oh, yeah, i'm back. Like you missed me. (c'mon, you know deep down you did)

I picked up a cheap Kustom Defender 5h from PunkKitty, and that combined with the Screamer and my strat yeilds the kind of SRV tone i love. I'm such a dork, but i don't care.

Welcome back stranger.
"Well, I was gonna fight my DUI, but I'm broke. Fuck it, I'll just do my 30 days." :grin:

I recently learned that Keely lives right here in OKC. Weird.

You need something. :grin:

I wrote a new year song!

Trade In

Had to trade in my old year
For one that's shiny new
Wasn't quite finished using it up
But there's nothing much that I can do

Every time that I see sunshine
Somebody changes the game (Cliche alert! Look out!)
And the only thing that's never different
Is that nothing much stays the same

So I asked the Lord to turn it back
Let me do this one again
I'll do my best to set things straight
And shed a little bit of that sin

I understand the first time through
I didn't really do things right
But if you'll give me just one more chance (They just keep coming!)
This time I think I might

Now living in the past is a foolish deal (God, won't they ever stop?)
And a losing proposition at that
So a replay here of this old year
Will only put me where I'm at

I've been trying to stay where I shouldn't have stayed
Been making trades that I shouldn't have made
(Repeat to taste)


Well, the new guys want to move, like, NOW! It probably won't be long. Besides, with the new owners here, I feel like I need to make a decision soon to stay or go. I don't want to lead them on, have them make plans, then go. That's uncool.

What was the deal again? You run a state-grant-funded DME recycling shop?

Nah, that one died on the vine.

This is another, larger company in the same biz I'm in now. The new owners of the place I'm at now are not impressing me at all.
If I stay, I get the headaches of working for a bigger company, but they're not big enough to offer the benefits of a bigger company. It's like the chaos of a one store shop without the llocal decision making abilities.

Still haven't decided completely, but the money is speaking my language. I can come close to doubling my income and be back where I was in St Louis. Plus, they're insanely well organized and efficient.

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