That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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On another note, lately, my guitar playing has changed... For one, in 30 years, I never wrote or played songs that were in a major key, and never felt like I had any vocabulary... The pentatonic major scale never really did it for my and neither did just wanking in a major scale... This chord tone soloing has opened up the major keys for me, and I'm finally getting something to "say"... I've been approaching the minor keys the same way... My playing will never be the same...
:thu: A lot of the breakthrough was simply deciding in late 2009 that I was going to actually try and apply myself and advance my playing... That really got me obsessed, and then I found this forum 6 months later...

In the past, I never cared about getting better... I wrote a few dozen originals, got proficient at them, got comfortable playing in bands and in front of people, and even had people convinced I was a decent player... Hanging around here has been humbling, but rather than be intimidated, I get inspiration... All the goofing around in the lounge is fun, but I'm here because I love playing guitar more now than I have in the last 30 years...
:cool: There are some people here with, like, real skillz and shit.
It pushes me, too. My playing has improved a lot over the last year, but I've only been at it a short time.
The only reason I even picked up a guitar was so SOMEBODY would play my lousy songs. :grin:

This is the key, and by not caring, you actually sing better...

Exactly. First time I sang publicly was a karaoke thing, doing The Crunge. I was kinda drunk and decided to just let her rip. I got huge applause, so I figured I was on to something.

Now, I just try to stay in tune and go. Being intune is 95% of the battle. If you can do that, you're fine. Just DON'T HOLD BACK. That's what makes most bad vocalists bad. They just don't go all in.

I've actually been working pretty hard the last year or so myself....not gigging for a few years really pushed me back and it's just been recently that I feel like I'm getting to where I need to be.
I've actually been working pretty hard the last year or so myself....not gigging for a few years really pushed me back and it's just been recently that I feel like I'm getting to where I need to be.

Yea, I can see how you would need to sometimes step away from being a teacher, and just get back to playing and exploring your creativity...
I think another thing that I've accepted lately are my limitations... I try and take in everything, but ultimately it is all just an influence on how I play, which is 30 years with no lessons, and a lot of old habits that aren't going to go away any time soon... If I'm going to try and tackle something that sets me back to being a total beginner, it would be cello, and I would continue with my wanky, incorrect guitar ways...
The attitude is something I've been working on lately. It's a tricky situation. I don't have a huge ego and it seems like a real balancing act having the attitude I need to sing well without being an arrogant ass. When you're singing you do have to lay it all out there. If I get something in my head that causes me to hold back I don't sound very good but if I belt it out like I'm the man and I don't care what you think I sound pretty good.
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