That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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I had a weird dream last night. I was like 19 years old and on tour, opening for Michael Hedges. :messedup:

Two boys doing solo acts from Enid, OK. How cool would that have been?

Very cool. That's how cool.

So, after playing the orange Ibby for the last couple weeks, I picked up the Wilshire yesterday... After playing the Ibby for a while, the Epi neck seems like a baseball bat...
Speaking of Michael Hedges, many years ago, I purchased 4 tickets for me and some friends to go see him, but I forgot that I was supposed to get 5, not 4... So, even though it was my idea, I did the honorable thing and didn't go, as the show was sold out... I planned on next time, but he was killed not long after... :(
I guess I haven't playedthe wilshires that much. I was thinking they were skinny.

Yeah, I only saw Michael once, in 1995 for the Murrah Center bombing fundraiser. He played with CSN. It was scheduled to be outdoors at the zoo amphitheater, but it rained. They moved it indoors to some crappy old building at the fairgrounds. Like a big exhibit hall with concrete floors and general admission. That kinda sucked, but we got up close. He was an amazing performer. Have never seen anyone approach guitar the way he did.
Never heard anyone do such killer covers of stupid ass pop songs either.
Watching him do Madonna songs and stuff was hilarious. :grin:

I noticed that about my epi dot last night. I usually play a strat when I'm messing around in the house, but I picked up the dot and my first thought was damn the neck is fat.
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