That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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Well, I parked my truck in the driveway last night, cause I knew I would be the first one leaving to take Patrick to early band.
The truck isn't running the best right now, as I haven't gotten around to changing the EGR yet.
So, when Patrick was ready to go this morning, I jumped into Mrs Graves' Honda CRV to take him to skool.
And backed into my truck. :mad:


Well, I parked my truck in the driveway last night, cause I knew I would be the first one leaving to take Patrick to early band.
The truck isn't running the best right now, as I haven't gotten around to changing the EGR yet.
So, when Patrick was ready to go this morning, I jumped into Mrs Graves Honda CRV to take hime to skool.
And backed into my truck. :mad:


Wow. You could be a member of my family :embarrassed:
And now work. :rolleyes:

So I learn one of my bosses didn't order a bunch of stuff for a customer. I knew one piece was missing, but I did the delivery anyway and told the customer I'd be back next week (last week) with the cushion. On Friday, my boss asks me what options I needed on the part so she could place the order. :mad:

Now today, my wife calls me and says I got a bunch of tickets from the Oklahoma Turnpike people because my other boss didn't give me my new pikepass. :mad: :mad:

15 tickets at $75 each! I better be able to get this cleared up.

I'm sure this is only the beginning. I use the turnpike several times a day.

Hey, how come on this last post, my avatar was normal sized? For the last several days, the avatar would be small until the page was refreshed... Cosmic, man...
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