That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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I got a box of Frankenberry in the mail yesterday.
no lie.

some buds and I do a Trick'r'Treat thing each year.
like a Secret Santa, but Hallowe'en themed.
dude that got my name sent me some cool stuff, but the Frankenberry was the best, sicne we can't get it up here.
now I got a hook-up for that, Count Chocula, and Boo-Berry :grin:
fuckin' stoked!
I'm off today and tomorrow.
gonna maybe try a tune today, and fix the washing machine.
or at least get the part off that needs replacing, so I can take it in to get a new one.
it looks to be pretty simple.

looks like the ex might be buying a house down the street.
which means I'd have my house to myself ( :grin: ), but still have a ride to work until I can buy a car.
the other option was selling this place and buying a pretty dumpy one in the town where I work.
which I didn't really wanna do
It's not the same around here when you're off in the real word working... There's nobody to help me derail threads...

I need to work on a tune today, too...
On another note, I played Frisbee golf yesterday for the first time in 26 years... Lots of fun, but my arm and shoulder are a bit sore...
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