That Seedy Table In The Dark Corner Where The Reprobates Gather

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Well, I'm Christian, but I fugure my grownup friends can makeup their own minds about stuff like that. I don't tell tham what to think and they return the favor.

Farmers market cracks me up. Half the place is old farmer types, one third is hippies. The rest are Mexicans and Asian. :lol:
Makes for a nice variety of goodies, though. Get your free range eggs, watermelons, jalapenos and boc choi all at once.

Better get on that. :lol:

You know, jello, I had a couple of folks ask me why I'm not posting in gng much anymore. Today is a perfect example of why. I make a post and it goes completely ignored. Why bother? Time to move on, I guess.
What was once our comedy hangout has become the mojo needed thread.


Shit....this whole site can be the "mojo needed" site sometimes. Part of being middle aged in the real world. I'd like to think that folks ask mojo for things more than "I broke a fingernail" though. :)
They might stink on a citizen. Then civilization will end.

We actually have a soup kitchen a few doors down from the police department here. They seem to leave the homeless alone unless they are causing an actual problem.
Well, I'm Christian, but I fugure my grownup friends can makeup their own minds about stuff like that. I don't tell tham what to think and they return the favor.

Oh, I know, and I hope that you are not offended, since you aren't offensive... My FB rants are in response to the daily propaganda I read on my FB newsfeed, which not only includes conservative Christians, but hard core liberal, if some Indian Yogi says it it must be true, God bless the Goddess, types... I get the pro-Obama and anti-Obama threads... So, I make it my self appointed job to counter all those threads with my own mindless drivel... It's fun! :)
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OK, I gotta get my act together and get the heck out of here... See you all later next week, unless I manage to get computer access...
Although if you're a single guy, the fabric shop and hobby/craft store are babe magnets. Damn. The places are crawling with the ladies.

Better get on that. :lol:

You know, jello, I had a couple of folks ask me why I'm not posting in gng much anymore. Today is a perfect example of why. I make a post and it goes completely ignored. Why bother? Time to move on, I guess.
What was once our comedy hangout has become the mojo needed thread.


I's weird, and I hate to admit it, but alot of the fun was Zemmy...when he went away it just devolved into a bitch and moan thread with very little of the interplay that made it so damned entertaining...we started getting some of it back with DS Al and the he disappeared...
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