Show us your "home office" now that you work from home.

Both streets have the same name. That must be fun for delivery people.

The offshoot has “Cove” added.

Generally speaking though, the street names in this development are whacked. They all follow the formula “action verb+tree or bush.” And since only a limited number of action verbs really apply to plants, you get stuff like “Laughing Pear” and “Hopping Peach.” :annoyed:
Still needs a little cleanup, but this is where I am working. The inkjet printer will probably go away next week and the laser multiwill move over in its place clearing up some workspace. I also have both an ethernet hub and a USB hub coming to let me hook up some other equipment I need for communication, zoom conferencing, and etc. The background audio equipment is in good shape though.

The main computer is a Mac mini that was refurbished with a larger SSD drive, with an external disk reader/writer. And my iPad Pro which is serving as my laptop is sitting there right next to it. I think I would like to replicate my standing desk at work probably where that brother multi function printer is sitting right now. Not sure if I will just use some bankers box or something temporarily or will get a collapsible standing desk sort of stand like I have at work.

This computer set up is also my media center for audio and video, and also would be a recording center if I ever started recording again.

So you can see why the heck that green towel was sitting there. It is a guitar mod-ing project I am finishing for a guitar for the kids. I was using my blue HH Strat to just check out how the wiring worked. The black guitar I need to stick the wired pick guard into and connect at the Jack and the ground is sitting over on my amp down the line of that wall.

Yes, it is all a bit cluttered right now and will be cleaned up over the weekend and as I move forward. This space was not really intended to be my office, but it is a hobby, music, listening, and entertainment room generally. Mark and some of the others have seen this room previously during Skype lessons and classes.


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I spent some time messing around with simulating typical class activities in zoom today and it's definitely going to take some getting used to, but as someone who (mis)spent many hours playing video games as a youth, I gotta say it's kinda fun managing all those different controls with virtual "hand raising" and white boarding and screen sharing and breakout groups and such. We shall see if the students feel the same way in a few weeks
I’ve been working up until this weekend... so this is the first decent quality time I’ve spent in my studio in weeks.. maybe since January.



Now I spared this pile of carnage from Facebook, but damn i have too many bodies and necks (there are more at the wood shop! :embarrassed: )
Lower back was bothering me. Too much sitting in a crappy chair, and did some bicycle sprints with focus on lifting the pedal stroke up some hills. Got my lower back a little tied up as result. So, home office now has a make shift standing option, with the iPad serving as a sitting option. At work, I have one of those desktop things that can lift up and be put back down for standing/sitting options. This should work for here. Also got the one printer/scanner, etc. moved out and mine put in place to open more desk space.

Lower back was bothering me. Too much sitting in a crappy chair, and did some bicycle sprints with focus on lifting the pedal stroke up some hills. Got my lower back a little tied up as result. So, home office now has a make shift standing option, with the iPad serving as a sitting option. At work, I have one of those desktop things that can lift up and be put back down for standing/sitting options. This should work for here. Also got the one printer/scanner, etc. moved out and mine put in place to open more desk space.

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I have a nice sit/stand set up at work and am wishing I had it here at home lately

I have a nice sit/stand set up at work and am wishing I had it here at home lately
I raised the keyboard and mouse with a few music books today. I like it better. Had my wrist too cocked/flexed yesterday while mousing around data entry points of the program I was using. And was hunching my shoulders.
As I type this, I am finding I want to raise the monitor a couple more inches too. Easily enough done.

Ahh. Done. That's better.

I raised the keyboard and mouse with a few music books today. I like it better. Had my wrist too cocked/flexed yesterday while mousing around data entry points of the program I was using. And was hunching my shoulders.
As I type this, I am finding I want to raise the monitor a couple more inches too. Easily enough done.

Ahh. Done. That's better.
I might try something like this for class tomorrow. I'm used to walking around in front of a screen/whiteboard and I'm it finding it really hard to sit for a whole class
I might try something like this for class tomorrow. I'm used to walking around in front of a screen/whiteboard and I'm it finding it really hard to sit for a whole class
A banker’s box, an old board, some music books, a box from a spin clean record cleaner, and an old Sebastiani wine box used to hold cassette tapes. I just grabbed what I could find around the house yesterday and went for it. Easy peezy.
Updated home office.....

I got my recording stuff out and got creative to make more room without shopping for a bigger desk (which will happen post virus).
