Show us your "home office" now that you work from home.


Shitty phone camera, but also I like it pretty dark.
Does anyone else think many businesses will start allowing more people to work from home once the all clear is given? Think about all the overhead involved with having and office that really isn’t needed these days. I’ve been working from home for 6 years now and my friend, who just left our company has been working from home since 2003. He is now going to be working in an office.
Given the reduction in global pollution as a direct result of people not going to work, I can't see how there won't be a push to get more people working from home.
I need a new chair. I've been putting it off for a while since I've been WFH part-time. Debating on what I want to get. One of those kneeling stool things is kinda appealing and would probably keep me from sitting for too long in one stretch. I'm missing my standup desk and tall chair these days.

Does anyone else think many businesses will start allowing more people to work from home once the all clear is given? Think about all the overhead involved with having and office that really isn’t needed these days. I’ve been working from home for 6 years now and my friend, who just left our company has been working from home since 2003. He is now going to be working in an office.

That's something that has come up frequently on calls the past couple weeks. One unusual aspect to our current situation is that entire families are stuck in the house and that has made it very difficult for some of my colleagues to focus on work. OTOH there are lots of people operating as efficient or even more efficiently while working from home with fewer distractions.

One thing that might be unique to my situation is that we have a ton of events that happen around the campus that really provide a connection to company culture & ideals. My team moved off the main campus a little while ago and our location rarely has these events. The difference in your connection with the org is noticeable as-is.
Man, does anyone else feel like their workload has increased 5x since WFH became the norm? :messedup:

I think today was the most frantic day I’ve worked since I got out of the fast food business. I was on skype all day, and while on one call, 3-4 other calls would be trying to horn in. DONT YOU PEOPLE KNOW WHAT THAT RED DOT BY MY NAME MEANS?

I got one end of the dining room table. I wish I'd brought a second monitor home. Working from one small laptop screen is somewhat of a bother.
Plus, working from home means I don't have that physical disconnect from work.
I got one end of the dining room table. I wish I'd brought a second monitor home. Working from one small laptop screen is somewhat of a bother.
Plus, working from home means I don't have that physical disconnect from work.

On the latter point. I pack up my work stuff and put it away at my normal finishing time and go for long walk or bike ride so I then 'come home' from work. Helps me.
Also as a dining table user my changeover is to put my work laptop away and get out my personal one. Then I just have to do my work rather than work's work. No rest for the wicked.
The new post alert had me going back to see what I posted...

A few days later this I moved to the pullout in the basement with one of the small glass top end tables from our living's too low and too small to fit both laptops comfortably, so the back corner of each is hanging off the table. They're in sort of a v-shape. We had planned to buy desk, but ended up just getting an office chair that my wife used. I may move up to the dining room table and the new chair since my wife isn't working, but it's too distracting and noisy...we'll see.

Who's gone back to the office for regular hours and such?
obviously, I haven’t seeing as we have no office. Interestingly, last week our company let us decide if we want to have a flex schedule, so we can do 4-10 hour days or whatever else we want to try.
My old job had flex hours and it was great.
It was really flexible. “Hit your number. Answer the phone/e-mail if you’re not busy with a customer. Otherwise, I don’t really care where you are. If you can’t answer the phone (because you’re at your kid’s recital or at the grocery store), respond in a timely manner.”

I got so much guitar practice in...