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Hi Wok, glad to hear you're ok. What happened? Car crashes are baaaaaad. Even if its just a tiny knock. Unsettles you sort of thing.
Hi Wok, glad to hear you're ok. What happened? Car crashes are baaaaaad. Even if its just a tiny knock. Unsettles you sort of thing.

thanks. It was on a notorious spot on a hilly single carriageway. Truck coming towards us decided to overtake and drove onto our lane. We couldn't see him because of a blind summit. Car in front of me slammed the breaks, but I didn't see until I came over the hill. Slammed the breaks, but hit the car in front of me pretty much dead on at 40/50mph. Luckily nobody got hurt, it was an almighty smash.

Got things sorted out with insurance and police. Now I need to get money to buy a new car :(
Afternoon all :Wave:

Good to hear that nobody was hurt. :thu: Car cash mojo... :facepalm:

Chappie came today and installed new whizzier intermanet. Whooooooooooooooooosh.
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Glad you're OK Wok.

I was gigging in deepest darkest Perthshire last night and the weather was pretty hairy.

Got home fine (at 3am :eek: ) and thought I'd won a watch when I got up for work not feeling too bad.

I then proceeded to somehow fall down my stairs. A bit scraped and it didn't do my knee which has been giving me grief any favours but could have been worse. Had that split second "oh shit this isn't going to end well." moment.

On the plus side my girlfriend is feeling sorry for me so she's buying me a curry for dinner and my "I'll meet you at the station so you're not walking up with the food yourself" is a cunning ploy so I can go for a cheeky pint whilst we wait for the food :grin:
So I've just been asked to interview for 2 jobs next Monday. Bit awkward given that they're for the same school and an hour apart so I'd imagine it'll be the same panel for both but whatyagonnado :shrug:
Something I just read on the BBC. Apparently rented computers are full of a kind of spyware that has used the built in cameras to film people 'getting it on', amongst other things.

I didnt even know you could rent computers but there you go.
I think Charlie still thinks he can do Laurence of Arabia type things and look good at the same time.

Sadly, he is wrong.
Morning Christian leaders writing to David Cameron :Wave:

So, is this what the Euro thread has been reduced to? :embarrassed:

What do you mean? Us talking about Cameron?

I have much more important news. Ok I don't really but I CAN tell you that this Sunday we all have to be out of the house by 10am as building work has uncovered a few unexploded ww2 bombs not too far away.

"Chocks away Ginger"!

I wonder if the RAF knew how much they'd be inconveniencing me when they dropped them all those years ago. I blame Bomber Harris (shakes fist)

Actually my two kids are staying with family at the weekend as me and the missus are spending Sat night in Hamburg so I'm not too bothered.

I found this picture somewhere online. It CLEARLY shows the detail and planning that went into trying to bomb my house. Achtung, Spitfire!!!! Etc
