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Afternoon wet Hull residents haha!

Nothing to report apart from my wife may buy me some new cymbals for Christmas. Chance of her getting the wrong ones...............about 100%
morning cricket fans :grin:

you know you should have gone to bed earlier when your drive to work consists of trying to keep your eyes open
Morning all :Wave:

morning cricket fans :grin:

you know you should have gone to bed earlier when your drive to work consists of trying to keep your eyes open

:confused: Last night's coup de grâce was mercifully brief. I was in bed before 2. :shrug:
Morning Comic relief warlords/tobacco investers wave0

Fucking Tuesdays. Its like a non day. I bet nothing really good ever happened on a Tuesday.
Morning Korean photoshoppers,

In hospital this morning for a minor leg thing. Good news though, no work today :embarrassed:
Morning all :Wave:

minor leg mojo, wok :thu:

Getting tired of things breaking here. :cry: The saga of cars came to a temporary end yesterday when I finally got rid of the dead one. The tumble dryer came back from being fixed a couple of days ago. The new cooker has just been delivered, the oven on the old one gave up last week. Now the fucking washing machine needs fixing. :cry: :mad: :cry: Domestic appliance mojo, anybody? :shrug:
Afternoon all, had yesterday off to get the Christmas shopping done for the wife's million+ relatives. Also had to get a brake cylinder on the car replaced as it died on the weekend. Now living on bread and water until pay day.
morning Uruguayan drug legalisers :Wave:

pff even siting is painful with the anaesthetic on my minor leg having worn off :(. it's gonna be a long and hard day
Morning Garth Brooks fans

Wok can't you just put some material between you teeth, burn it with a cigar and then pour whisky on it?