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Morning child 'training' Christians. :Wave:

I suppose it's time to start thinking about Xmas shopping. Tomorrow, probably.

PS: I was utterly flabbergasted yesterday to discover that the manufacturers of Bellend cookers do not consider a handle for the grill pan to be an essential part of the cooker, but only available as an optional extra for fifteen fucking quid. Surely they are, in the words of the Profit, "'avin' a fucking larf". :mad:
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I was just reading about the sign language translator fellah at the Mandela memorial thing. Apparently he was a total fake and everything he did was meaningless.


Hilarious. I wonder how the hell he got on stage.
Afternoon chaps.

Currently stealing internet on my lunch break :embarrassed: Shall be back in the land of internetdom next thursday according to Sky.

House move is going reasonably well though I've still to work out the heating - had to sleep with the windows open on Sunday it was so feckin warm...

Anyways I know you've all been waiting to see the video of my huge jam band thing's shoddy East 17 cover for our Christmas gig encore on Monday night so here it is:

Afternoon chaps.

Currently stealing internet on my lunch break :embarrassed: Shall be back in the land of internetdom next thursday according to Sky.

haha, we are having Virgin media installed that day. Cheaper and includes a Tivo box with Netflix :love:
Well la de da Mr I live in a place where Virgin hasn't only done one side of the street because the shiny new(ish) houses on the other side sit on a verge that would have been too much trouble to hook up so they left it and have no plans to do it at any point in the future :mad:
Morning avengers :Wave:

It's a Belfast day. :mad: I hate it when mrs_huge has to visit clients in Belfast; I have to get up in the middle of the night (4:30) to take her to the airport. Makes for a pretty long day.
Morning Belfast fans. wave0

You should pop over yourself, the_huge. Look at all the nice wall paintings and colourful kerbstones.
You can't bit a bit of red white and blue. Or orange and green.

I meant the hills surrounding the city though. Very picturesque. Plus I used to lay in the bushes on some of them and spy on known 'players'. Ridiculous term I always thought.
morning invalid gay husbands :Wave:
narrowly avoided a crash this morning. At least my brakes a re working properly :eek:
Glad you avoided it Wok. We don't need any more Johnny Foreigners sponging off the NHS.

What I've noticed the past week is the roads get more dangerous during the cold weather. Not just by the icy roads etc, no I mean because so many idiots out there drive too cautiously and create even more problems.

Seriously though, I hope it wasn't too bad, I hate that feeling you get just after a near miss. The heart beat and kind of shaken feeling.
Glad you avoided it Wok. We don't need any more Johnny Foreigners sponging off the NHS.

What I've noticed the past week is the roads get more dangerous during the cold weather. Not just by the icy roads etc, no I mean because so many idiots out there drive too cautiously and create even more problems.

Seriously though, I hope it wasn't too bad, I hate that feeling you get just after a near miss. The heart beat and kind of shaken feeling.

nothing too bad, just had to brake rather hard and I stopped about a few inches from the car in front. Felt a little shaken, but ok.

and I was in hospital 2 days ago, so already sponging off the NHS :embarrassed:
Good morning maggot-infested GPs :Wave:

Growing up in the 70's, I remember being terrified about the idea of going to Belfast.

It wasn't so much the thought of getting blown up that bothered me, it was more the thought of being surrounded by a lot of grim architecture in the rain... </ponce>
You should pop over yourself, the_huge. Look at all the nice wall paintings and colourful kerbstones.
Thanks for the tip, stu! I do quite often accompany mrs_huge when her work takes her to places that take my fancy.

One of my other great friends has been telling me that the locals are warm and friendly and like nothing more than a political discussion over a beer in the evening. He kindly sent me a t-shirt which he tells me would go down a bomb if I wore it:

I shall look forward to the next time she goes...