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Morning future dementia sufferers wave0

Strange you should mention that Stu. I somehow stumbled onto the Pi website about 4 days ago. A link from a link etc. If heard about it before and I too was wondering if they're any good. I couldn't work out exactly what id need to get it up and running. They seem to be ok though, not the most powerful computers in the world but good enough.
Well I got one last week. It's fairly capable. About as much processing power as a netbook, or maybe even a little better. I've so far set mine up on dual-boot. One option boots to Raspbian (a Debian variant), and the other option is straight into a version of XBMC. Thing only cost me 30 quid too. I'm having quite a bit of fun with it so far.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and in answer to your question. You need to stick an SD card in it (it acts as a hard drive and at least 4GB is recommended). Apart from that, you just need a keyboard, mouse and Monitor/TV. After that, it's up to you. I got a wi-fi dongle, for example, but that's not necessary if you're happy to use an Ethernet cable.

Oh, and if you ever get one, make sure you get the "B" model, or you'll be stuck with half the RAM (256 MB), only one USB connector and no Ethernet socket.
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Morning Norwich defenders. :embarrassed:

It's that time, bloody fecking winter's finally here. Snowing unicorns here and reportedly a storm later tonight. Should be fun :messedup:
Morning Raspberry Pi lovers :Wave:

A mate of mine uses one as a music server - he streams all his tunes all over his house from it. Nice little device :thu:
Morning Gay Neo-nazis,

pretty windy up here this morning. I was just about to cross the Forth road bridge this morning, when it was closed and traffic got diverted to the Kincardine Bridge (about 15 miles away). This of course caused congestion so I arrived at work around 10.30. I left at 7.15 :mad:

well, today is St Nicholas in Holland, so we will be partaking in some chocolate tonight :embarrassed:
fuckin hell I'm starting to wish Scottish Power and British Gas would put me through to an Indian call centre so I could get someone who knows wtf they're doing
morning Union Jack replacers :Wave:

So the stormy weather has made way for the big freeze. It is absolutely baltic out there.
Morning, people freezing your bollox off. wave0

Weekend begins in 1 hour and 15 minutes. can't wait.
Morning all :Wave:

Good morning struggling English cricketers :cry:
I listened to the first session, but was too tired/dispirited to stay up any later. In a perfect world I will be awake all night tonight listening to our batsmen doing a great job to pull it back. We shall see...
fuck me, speaking of rich...racists/rightwinge extremists/white supremacists calling mandela a terrorist. So their heroes are saints? :facepalm: