Return to the Planet of the "Hey Euro's its that time again" Thread.

Good morning re-uniting Pythons :Wave:

Does anyone else think this has the potential to be really shite? Life of Brian was their crowning glory and they should've jacked it in for good then.

A reunion means we'll have loads of 'Muricans quoting the dead parrot sketch thinking they're on the cutting edge of British humour... :facepalm:

I honestly don't know if it'll be really good, or just shit and a bit sad.

Usually when members of the old Python team do things on their own, i.e Palins travels and Cleese in quite a few decent films, its pretty good.

However I'm not sure if their kind of humor will fit today. I hope I'm wrong though. The Life of Brian is still good.
Good morning re-uniting Pythons :Wave:

Does anyone else think this has the potential to be really shite? The Holy Grail was their crowning glory and they should've jacked it in for good then.

A reunion means we'll have loads of 'Muricans quoting the dead parrot sketch thinking they're on the cutting edge of British humour... :facepalm:


fixed it for you :embarrassed:
SAUSAGES!!! That's what I've got for lunch. They are allegedly made from Welsh dragons. Feel free to be deeply envious. :Wave:
I had a 'little grilled chicken' from the Burger King drive through (sorry, thru) and as far as I'm aware chickens are descendants of Pterodactyls. Which means I am some kind of Knight of The Round Table.
So my lawyer decided not to inform me that in the internet age sending her an e-mail saying: "those deeds look fine. Happy to go ahead, what do I need to do now?" is the equivalent of sitting in her office and signing the missives.

Long story short I bought the house on Monday and didn't even know it :embarrassed:

Moving in date is definitely a week on Friday :)

I also bought a total dude bed today:

Oh no no no no sir. The living room shall be the realm of the huge modular bookcase I'm going to build out of Ikea coffee tables :embarrassed:
Morning secret army killers wave0

Whoa! What a bed! The only thing missing is a radio in the headboard. It does look a bit like the kind of bed the psycho murderer man in American Psycho would have though.
And another thing, I spent six months dodging people spitting at me in West Belfast many years ago. Was I ever picked to go out and shoot people willy nilly? Was I fuck.