Return to the Planet of the "Hey Euro's its that time again" Thread.

*mutters* Is my memory playing up?? Left-handed opener, flamboyant... wasn't English, but got sort of adopted in the way that cricketers from the former Colonies tend to... got in a mix-up and ran himself out...
HOLY CRAP! Just found out support act for tonight's Alice in Chains gig is...

GHOST :eek: :rawk:
*mutters* Is my memory playing up?? Left-handed opener, flamboyant... wasn't English, but got sort of adopted in the way that cricketers from the former Colonies tend to... got in a mix-up and ran himself out...

Oh yeah, I remember reading about him. He set fire to his bat or something didn't he? That's where The Ashes come from I think?
morning Tendulkar lovers :Wave:

Had one Old Peculier ale last night, had a dry mouth all morning (yes, even after drinking water and brushing my teeth).

tonight going to see Alice In Chains, which involves driving to and through Glasgow. Looking forward to the first, not the second :eek:


wanted to go to that gig but completely forgot about it. will have started by now

You are quite close to one of my favourite pubs in Glasgow, The Lauriston. Pop in there for a post gig pint and marvel at the 60s decor. Just turn right out of the o2, walk down two blocks or so and it's on the opposite corner
pfff, can hardly talk today, every time I try my throat feels like sandpaper :(
Having my first full weekend off in 4 months. Of course I slept til about 3 pm. Absolutely exhausted. :embarrassed:
Guessing the amount of beer and scotch last night had something to do with it as well. :grin:
Btw, we seem to have our first chess world champion. Congrats to Magnus Carlsen. Never thought I'd see a Norwegian pull that off. :)
Morning Dutch Racists

Wok! Id be interested to hear your thoughts on this Ive been in Holland a coupe of times during this celebration and I had NO idea anyone was against it. It seemed to me that everyone was having a great time.

This discussion has been going on for as long as I can remember. I am kind of on the fence with this one. It obviously comes from more 'innocent' times, and clearly Zwarte Piet is a black servant (or more accurately, a Moorish servant). Of course it can be seen as racist. However, St Nicholas is mainly an innocent children's party and it's definitely not meant to denigrating towards ethnic minorities.

I think one the one hand it is always good to revaluate things and see whether the are still appropriate today, but I also think people who demonstrate against St Nicholas should stop being such sensitive sallies.
I agree about the sensitive sally comment. That picture with the women with their backs turned to the parade is just sad.
Alright benders, how's everyone doing? :Wave: Not much new to report other than my new job is going well and I'm buying a fucking house soon, how the fuck did that happen?! :embarrassed:
Alright benders, how's everyone doing? :Wave: Not much new to report other than my new job is going well and I'm buying a fucking house soon, how the fuck did that happen?! :embarrassed:

alright, erm gay person. Good on the new job! New job going well here too and also buying a house :embarrassed:
Morning all :Wave:

Good to hear all is well, former todge. :thu: Good luck with the house-buying.

People who rabbit on about 'racist stereotyping' get my fucking goat. There is nothing wrong with stereotyping (on any criteria); indeed it can be argued that it forms the basis of how our brains work. The wrong only occurs in assuming that any individual actually conforms to that stereotype. Discuss. (or not, as you choose). :shrug:

And... just for the record... Having enjoyed a couple of years of no longer having to pay a mortgage, I have no plans to enter the housing market any time soon. :)