Return to the Planet of the "Hey Euro's its that time again" Thread.

Morning all :Wave:

Good to hear all is well, former todge. :thu: Good luck with the house-buying.

People who rabbit on about 'racist stereotyping' get my fucking goat. There is nothing wrong with stereotyping (on any criteria); indeed it can be argued that it forms the basis of how our brains work. The wrong only occurs in assuming that any individual actually conforms to that stereotype. Discuss. (or not, as you choose). :shrug:

And... just for the record... Having enjoyed a couple of years of no longer having to pay a mortgage, I have no plans to enter the housing market any time soon. :)

There is nothing wrong in stereotyping in itself, as long as you keep in mind that it is actually just that..a stereotype.

Making the distinguish between 'race' is silly, because only racists maintain that there is such a thing as different human 'races'. We all look different :shrug:
Oi fuckin Oi lads.

Speaking of house buying, apparently my move is definitely on for a week on Friday unless I somehow managed to launder all of my dough without realising :embarrassed:

I have jack shit on the agenda next weekend and I plan on doing a whirlwind blast of getting everything I need for the house as the idea of dribs and drabs of buying cutlery, paint, furniture and stuff makes me want to smash my head off of a wall.

On a slightly cool note - I'm hosting the quiz down my local on Thursday night. The guy who usually does it needs the night off so as the only peerson anyone there knows with a PA I've been drafted in :) Easy money. Easier than DJing anyway, I think I've missed a trick with it.
morning binge-watchers :Wave:

fecking BALTIC out here, had to scrape the car windshields this morning :mad:
Morning drug-taking bank chairmen :Wave:

What a top story. Bloke with virtually zero experience of banking (apart from working in one for 4 years when he left school) gets appointed Chairman of a bank with £47bn of assets and then spends his leisure time buying Charlie and Crack. I hope as the story develops we find out he's been shagging hookers too :thu:

At least we now know the real reason that Mo's been on 'gardening leave'... :embarrassed:

People who rabbit on about 'racist stereotyping' get my fucking goat. There is nothing wrong with stereotyping (on any criteria); indeed it can be argued that it forms the basis of how our brains work. The wrong only occurs in assuming that any individual actually conforms to that stereotype. Discuss. (or not, as you choose).

No discussion required, this is absolutely correct and proper.

Morning drug-taking bank chairmen :Wave:

What a top story. Bloke with virtually zero experience of banking (apart from working in one for 4 years when he left school) gets appointed Chairman of a bank with £47bn of assets and then spends his leisure time buying Charlie and Crack. I hope as the story develops we find out he's been shagging hookers too :thu:

At least we now know the real reason that Mo's been on 'gardening leave'... :embarrassed:

No discussion required, this is absolutely correct and proper.


see also Mo's post about his trip to Vegas. I am sure he only told us half of the story cop0
Morning, Australian spies that are just as bad as the rest of them. wave0

Is EVERYONE here buying a house or something? Certainly seems like it.
Morning, Australian spies that are just as bad as the rest of them. wave0

Is EVERYONE here buying a house or something? Certainly seems like it.

Maybe crack smoking bankers have got the economy back in oder and the house market is turning?

After realising I have a lot more books and CDs than I realised whilst packing last night, I spent this morning in work looking for a bookcase and then realising that to get anything even remotely what I want will cost a stupid amount of dough.

I then spent the rest of the time until lunch designing a ridiculous modular Ikea hack book case that will look super cool (it did in my terrible childlike drawing anyway) and my CD's too for the most part. :)
morning losers,

bright but cold this morning. Does everyone else ever get really excited about new shoes arriving? Maybe I need a life? :shrug:
Morning wave0

Anyone miss me yesterday? Was off work as my daughter was ill. Spent the day watching kids tv.

So Hull is the UK city of culture? Im from Hull, I like the place, it does have some fantastic things going for it. Sadly it is 99% full of utter chav scum. Im not joking, go have a look for yourself.
Morning wave0

Anyone miss me yesterday? Was off work as my daughter was ill. Spent the day watching kids tv.

So Hull is the UK city of culture? Im from Hull, I like the place, it does have some fantastic things going for it. Sadly it is 99% full of utter chav scum. Im not joking, go have a look for yourself.

So who are you then? :confused:

I'd be afraid to mail order shoes. I really need to try them on.

I have. However, the colour I wanted wasn't available in store. I also have a 60 days free-of-charge return option
England. I very much doubt anyone that has moved to a different country would ever support their new home against their old. Unless they had run away as they were going to be hung drawn and quartered or something.

I didn't watch it though. Would you support Scotland in a Scotland v Holland game?