Return to the Planet of the "Hey Euro's its that time again" Thread.

Morning all :Wave:

Appalled at the cricket news, I had to take solace in an epic breakfast. No camera to hand, so a thousand words...
Wholemeal muffin, on one half a large field mushroom and a fried egg, on the other a slice of fried haggis, side by side on the plate with rashers of streaky bacon laid on top. Orange juice, coffee. In bed! </smug>

Now I have to take the ma-in-law to Merry Hell shopping... Deepest joy. :Wave:
Morning folk who should really have put the bet on the boxing they wanted to last night.

Oh that would be me :facepalm:
... it was deeply unpleasant at merry hell shopping centre:

Morning lovers

Just popped into say hello. Hello wave0

Busy day today, lots of lab type looking down microscope fun to be had. Annoying thing is, Ive been here since 7.30. Im still waiting for some cells. If I had them earlier, today would be easy. As ill get them late it'll be a mad dash to leave on time.
Morning fans-of-rugby-teams-that-so-very-nearly-beat-the-Kiwis-at-the-weekend-until-the-last-feckin-minute. wave0

Oh wait, that's just me. Arse. :mad:
Morning all. Some C U Next Tuesday reminded me that it is only 30 days to Christmas. That's 29 days for the wife to bankrupt me then...
Morning all :Wave:

Off to pick up the car that we bought at the weekend. This means that the hire car with its nasty, nasty drug-dealer windows can go back. happy face
Morning, Scottish independence supporters. wave0

Feckin need to get a tetanus shot tonight. Stupid (somewhat rusty) bicycle pedal tried (and succeeded) to stab me in the shin at the weekend. If memory serves, I last got a tetanus shot when I got a piece of metal in my eye doing DIY in my flat in Gorgie, and that was in 2003.
Morning all. :Wave:

Today, I shall be mostly waiting in for the washing machine repair man, whilst (possibly) embracing my feminine side, :embarrassed:

Put the old car on eBay yesterday, selling it as a non-runner, for spares (2001 Peugeot 306 1.4, 180000 miles, MOT expired). Chap messages me and asks how much I want for it, cash, today. I've got no bloody idea what it's worth, that's why I put in on an auction site. What should I tell him? :shrug: :clueless:
Morning...erm noon fellas :Wave:

got the keys to our new temporary rental place. It's massive, much bigger than we can ever affrod to buy. Too bad it's only going to be for a few months at most

Got my house insurance sorted today after a tonne of faffing about and phone based moronicness last night. All I need to do now is see my lawyer tomorrow to finalise the financial stuff and then I get the keys on Friday :)
Morning McBusted lovers

As I sit here at work at my nice warm desk (it has a radiator next to it) I have started to ponder the point of my existence…..

Just kidding, I was actually pondering if I use my works wlan, can it tell if I'm looking at boobies on my iPhone?

Hmmm. In other news, I had to reinstall Windows 8. I culdnt 'activate' it though so had to call Microsoft. What a bunch of utter useless cnuts they turned out to be. Twats.
Good morning drug-taking TV chefs :Wave:

Headline of the day once again goes to The Sun : 'HIGELLA'. Pissed meself at that one :thu:

Put the old car on eBay yesterday, selling it as a non-runner, for spares (2001 Peugeot 306 1.4, 180000 miles, MOT expired). Chap messages me and asks how much I want for it, cash, today. I've got no bloody idea what it's worth, that's why I put in on an auction site. What should I tell him? :shrug: :clueless:

See what the robbing bastards at would offer and start out a roughly double that :shrug:

Hmmm. In other news, I had to reinstall Windows 8. I culdnt 'activate' it though so had to call Microsoft. What a bunch of utter useless cnuts they turned out to be. Twats.

You sound surprised?
Morning all :Wave:

This afternoon I shall be mostly waiting in for the washing machine repair man, whilst experiencing a strange sense of déjà vu. :mad:

See what the robbing bastards at would offer and start out a roughly double that
Probably a sound strategy, but I decided to duck it and told him to make me an offer. He hasn't replied...
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Glad to hear it. Last week I had my first flu vaccine. Its free at work so thought id have half an hour off and get vaccinated.

So far no flu, be it human, swine or bird. Im secretly hoping it has mutated and will give me super powers.