Kick Henry Jackassowski
Yeah I got that No offense taken. I agree that it has impact, and that some people take that impact further than need be. But there's a lot more people who sort of half-assedly stick to the measures as they see fit who don't seem to get that even if you don't get sick, you can be a huge part of the problem right now. My reply came of the back of a weekend where people basically were as stupid as they could have been, people being even stupider right after, meanwhile hospitals all over are crying for help as they're about to overload. I mean, a bunch of friend's colleagues proudly posted on social media on how they were "helping" by having lunch with 1 chair in between. Jesus fuck, having lunch together in the first place (nice, touching stuff, your face/mouth, then touch more stuff) is fucking stupid, let alone thinking you're doing it right because you leave one fucking chair of space in between... And then people commenting that they are so brave and are heroes and whatnot. For fuck's sake, it's hard and annoying, yes, but it's going to be a fuckton harder and last a ton longer if people keep being that stupid.Sorry if I caused any offense in the Covid thread with my rather blase approach BTW. I was just trying to calm people down as there was a lot of freaking out going on. It's a dangerous disease that should be taken very seriously, but so is anxiety and some people where doing themselves more harm than good IMHO.
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