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Woke up at 4 this morning to catch my plane to NL, didn't really feel like going for christmas but my GF wouldn't accept me staying home alone...

I feel slightly knackered after 2 hours of sleep....

Also, everyone who is stupid enough to bring a baby on board a plane needs to be shot.
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It's the last week of work, several major projects with important deadlines, and no one here can be bothered to give a rat's arse anymore. Anyone else in the same boat?
Yeah, I know what you mean. Even when you don't have any major deadlines there is no point starting anything new. May as well clock off early and go to the pub :embarrassed:
I have taken on a shitload of work around the xmas days, so i'll be getting no rest before, during and after the xmas days until after new year. I have taken a holiday the first week of Jan, which hopefully will allow me to catch up on sleep, tv, music, guitar etc.

It's the last week of work, several major projects with important deadlines, and no one here can be bothered to give a rat's arse anymore. Anyone else in the same boat?

I had a please take for the 3rd highest gaffer in the school today.

Ducked into the management office - "Has Kenny left his planner around?"

2nd higher gaffer: "No, are you covering for him? Don't burst yourself, it's this time of year after all."

Finding Dory it was then :grin:
Oh yeah and following todays monumental DJ performance at the Christmas disco (I was actually pretty good considering they aren't fucking paying me :mad: ) I've been invited to be a judge on "school X has talent" tomorrow and Thursday.

:grin: shimmying my way up that non-coporate pole like a proper whore :grin:
I worked my ass off to get all my work done before traveling. Freelance work ftw :embarrassed: I'd much rather blast some 60 to 80 hour weeks and be done with it than have it ruin my holiday.

After the holiday I get to do the invoicing :love:
I've somehow managed to get the whole of next week off. That's the first time that's happened in about 15 years.
Can't quite believe I'm actually done with the Christmas shopping. This is when I usually think about starting. :embarrassed:

Hols from Friday afternoon until January 2nd. Can not fecking wait.
I've haven't worked between Christmas and New Year in 22 years. I always take it off and a lot of the time the companies have closed down anyway.