Places That Just Aren’t Your Jam

Catholic Churches. Which on some level also feel comforting. Some weird twisted vestigial codependent shit there. And really, most churches, but for super granola out in nature type gathering places.

The more gold and fancy looking shit there is, the worse it tends to feel.
Catholic Churches. Which on some level also feel comforting. Some weird twisted vestigial codependent shit there. And really, most churches, but for super granola out in nature type gathering places.

The more gold and fancy looking shit there is, the worse it tends to feel.
how about THIS "church" ???

Illinois. I swear you could blindfold me, put ear plugs in my ears, and throw me in a trunk and I could tell you the exact second we got to Illinois. Worst part of going to Nashville (besides being in Nashville) is having to drive across Illinois the long way.
Illinois. I swear you could blindfold me, put ear plugs in my ears, and throw me in a trunk and I could tell you the exact second we got to Illinois. Worst part of going to Nashville (besides being in Nashville) is having to drive across Illinois the long way.
the saying for how to get to detroit used to be: " go north on I-75 until you smell it, then turn left until you step in it"
now it's " go north on I-75 until you hear the guns, then turn left until you SEE the guns"
the saying for how to get to detroit used to be: " go north on I-75 until you smell it, then turn left until you step in it"
now it's " go north on I-75 until you hear the guns, then turn left until you SEE the guns"
Stop. Just stop. Yes, there is gun violence in Chicago. But it's highly unlikely that you will run into any.
For those who think the midwest is flat and barren., here's my little corner of it.

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I've noticed that the perception of "flat" is very relative.

I'm from NL, and trust me, where I'm from is FLATTTTTT. As in, no height differences in the landscape apart from man made features whatsoever.

Since we moved to Finland people here keep telling us it's "flat", but really, it isn't. It's hilly all over the place. Even in the city, our street is 2 full stories of a building higher than the next street over. Hell, our backyard has more elevation difference than the entire province I grew up in... It's no Norway with great mountain ranges and fjords and all that, but just because you don't have to blast through mountains to make a road doesn't mean it's flat.
Plus the Loess Hills, Iowa; Bear Butte and Spearfish Canyon, South Dakota.
Lived 6 years near Rapid City. Every time I was off almost it was fill the tank with gas and head to the Black Hills. We went everywhere and loved it. Hit all the tiny towns. Devil’s Tower is a beautiful area too that we visited a couple times a year. The sky out there is incredible. Many nights a 100 miles from a city While working. Stunning.