Places That Just Aren’t Your Jam

Hilton Head South Carolina.

We went there years ago for a family trip, and I was looking forward to getting some top notch golfing in. We were there a few days and the place kinda had that “Disney Resort” kind if feel, and I figured that the island was probably pricey real estate and most of the workers live on the “mainland”.

What completely soured me on the place was when I asked the concierge where to get gas and they directed me to this gas station a mile or two away. When we went driving around to do some shopping, I located another gas station like 2 blocks from the resort. The next time we were asking for some restaurant recommendations or something, I asked if when we were sent to that gas station we were to tell them we were staying because it wasn’t the closest station. The concierge replied “We… don’t use that station. ” I was kind of confused and he tipped his head down and looked at me quizzical.

The next time we were out, I noticed that the gas station only had black employees and black customers (many were workers from the resorts. ). When I went by the other station… yup all white. :annoyed:

At first I thought “so there’s one racist employee”, so when a different concierge, asked about gas and they directed me to the same white station. I was irritated at this point but ready to tough it out through the vacation. Was at a bar/restaurant later that evening and witnessed some grade A derogatory racist “come ‘ere Boy…” bullshit. I called the waiter over who that was directed at. I said “I would hope that attitude wouldn’t be normal around here…” He kind of smirked like “Welcome to Hilton Head”. I frowned, gave him a $40 tip (on probably $50 worth of food/drinks and told him “Thank you, you’re a great waiter, and you don’t deserve that nonsense”.

Packed up the Family, cancelled the rest if our stay, and drove all of us to Nashville for the last 4 days of our trip. :baimun:

I’ve been to other places in North and South Carolina and not seen that level of jackassery. Probably had more to do with narrow minded white privilege… but I can find much better places to spend my money.
Las Vegas - I was there to meet my sister over Xmas 2019. When I got there, she was more sick than I had ever seen her. We tried to get her to go to the hospital, but she refused. We flew back on December 26 taking separate flights. She died two days later. We strongly suspect that she was one of the first Covid cases in the US. My nieces also weren't feeling well, but they recovered. I was also a bit sick, but nothing major. I never want to go to that god forsaken town again.

Anyplace in the southeast south of Kankakee, IL. I don't feel it's safe for me. That includes Florida, Texas, etc.
I have a soft spot for Las Vegas. My father in law lived there, which is the only reason we ever visited, but I dug it as kitsch. I think I was reading too much Baudrillard at the time. Plus there's good hiking outside the city.
Las Vegas
The south
the south east
most of the midwest except parts of Illinois
Vegas - but people I know who live there do like it. they just avoid the casino parts of town.

Amarillo Texas. In the middle of freaking no where.
I actually like Amarillo. I have friends who live there and I really like going to the gorge or whatever they call it.
They have some decent food too if you go where the locals go.
Hilton Head South Carolina.

We went there years ago for a family trip, and I was looking forward to getting some top notch golfing in. We were there a few days and the place kinda had that “Disney Resort” kind if feel, and I figured that the island was probably pricey real estate and most of the workers live on the “mainland”.

What completely soured me on the place was when I asked the concierge where to get gas and they directed me to this gas station a mile or two away. When we went driving around to do some shopping, I located another gas station like 2 blocks from the resort. The next time we were asking for some restaurant recommendations or something, I asked if when we were sent to that gas station we were to tell them we were staying because it wasn’t the closest station. The concierge replied “We… don’t use that station. ” I was kind of confused and he tipped his head down and looked at me quizzical.

The next time we were out, I noticed that the gas station only had black employees and black customers (many were workers from the resorts. ). When I went by the other station… yup all white. :annoyed:

At first I thought “so there’s one racist employee”, so when a different concierge, asked about gas and they directed me to the same white station. I was irritated at this point but ready to tough it out through the vacation. Was at a bar/restaurant later that evening and witnessed some grade A derogatory racist “come ‘ere Boy…” bullshit. I called the waiter over who that was directed at. I said “I would hope that attitude wouldn’t be normal around here…” He kind of smirked like “Welcome to Hilton Head”. I frowned, gave him a $40 tip (on probably $50 worth of food/drinks and told him “Thank you, you’re a great waiter, and you don’t deserve that nonsense”.

Packed up the Family, cancelled the rest if our stay, and drove all of us to Nashville for the last 4 days of our trip. :baimun:

I’ve been to other places in North and South Carolina and not seen that level of jackassery. Probably had more to do with narrow minded white privilege… but I can find much better places to spend my money.
Hilton Head is very white and very racist. I worked on the island for about 3 years. Fun fact: It's the cocaine capital of the southeast! That's probably why they fought so hard to keep our substance use recovery facility from opening. We won in the end.
Paris. Didn't do anything for me and the people are intolerable.

I also didn't care much for Amsterdam, but after spending some time with the in-laws that live there it's a bit more interesting.
More and more from what I see posted online from friends and family I can say my hometown. I absolutely dread having to go home for a funeral someday after having those folks out their true selves online.

Johnstown PA for reference.
Paris. Didn't do anything for me and the people are intolerable.

I also didn't care much for Amsterdam, but after spending some time with the in-laws that live there it's a bit more interesting.
I really like Amsterdam but we've decided that when we go back we'd rather spend more time exploring in smaller cities. We usually stayed in Zandvoort and loved Haarlem as well. Time to see more.
More and more from what I see posted online from friends and family I can say my hometown. I absolutely dread having to go home for a funeral someday after having those folks out their true selves online.

Johnstown PA for reference.

good ol' Pennsyltucky :facepalm:
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I initially didn't like Frankfurt, but after staying there in October, 2019, I grew to love it. I still prefer Hamburg and Munich as far as large cities go. I've been to Paris and really didn't care for it. I'm also not a big fan of Venice, Italy. It's beautiful, but it's very overpriced, and kind of like a sinking Disneyland for adults.
I really like Amsterdam but we've decided that when we go back we'd rather spend more time exploring in smaller cities. We usually stayed in Zandvoort and loved Haarlem as well. Time to see more.

I used to work in Haarlem, it's quite lovely.

The old Hanze cities in the east like Deventer and Zwolle are also worth checking out.
Louisville KY. I realize its not intuitive, maybe it was just my bad luck. I spent 3 days there and I've never encountered a ruder bunch of folks. From the bicycle police, to the hotel and venue staff , to the merchants and food vendors. Just short tempered and rude people everywhere. NYC was Mayberry by comparison.

I'm surprised by this one - I live about an hour or so north of Louisville, and we generally find it to be a great place to spend an afternoon. Never had rudeness issues there. I'm not trying to discount or argue your experience, more wondering what was going on while you were there that had the people set off.
I'm surprised by this one - I live about an hour or so north of Louisville, and we generally find it to be a great place to spend an afternoon. Never had rudeness issues there. I'm not trying to discount or argue your experience, more wondering what was going on while you were there that had the people set off.
To be fair there was a lot going on. We were there for a Springsteen show. Staying at the big hotel downtown and the show at the Papa Johns arena. Whe arrived the day before and there was a Justin Bieber show and the hotel and streets were packed with little Bieber lovers and their mammas. The morning after Springsteen there was some sort of charity run going on and a shitty rock cover band was blasting at high volume thru the downtown buildings at 9 am. So I wasn't in that great a mood myself. I did enjoy our tour of the Louisville Slugger factory tho.