Places That Just Aren’t Your Jam

This applies to the entire valley. Flat, expansive awfulness with a highway down the middle of it.
This is the truth. People call the Central Valley the armpit of California. I could deal with the flatness. The air quality, not so much.
This guy nailed it:
I've never been to Vegas and have no desire to. I've spent some time in Biloxi casinos and that was bad enough, no way I want to visit Mecca.
The next time we were out, I noticed that the gas station only had black employees and black customers (many were workers from the resorts. ). When I went by the other station… yup all white. :annoyed:

I'm no expert on race relations or the south but I've spent lots of time up and down the states in the south east and one thing I've noticed is when you get to these black v white very racially divided areas; crossing the streams isn't appreciated on either side. I've been asked more than once to stay on "my side of town" before I really clued in on what the deal was.
Vegas..well all of Nevada actually. Carson City/Dayton is about as depressing as can possibly be.

Florida, 'nuf said. Even being on per diem and staying in a sweet condo on Cocoa Beach couldn't make that place bearable.

Most of the midwest just reminds me of the Ca central valley as @micwalt noted, just horrible, flat, barren and smelly. And the bible thumping, gawd fearing trumpsters that inhabit same.

LA. The unrelenting urban sprawl, self absorbed angelinos, and the constant waste of water to put lawns on what was, is and shall ever be a desert. No offense to the so cal forumites.
Vegas is the quintessential one (for most people it seems)
Columbus, OH
most of Indiana
Next year, need to schedule a Notre Dame Home Game Gathering.... so a bunch of you can come to a Grooveheads gig, sit in for some songs, get to experience the ND Game Day fun, and then get a little tour of Downtown South Bend, so you see why is kinda cool and different from the rest of the midwest. :helper:

NYC can suck it. It's a giant seething rat infested shithole full self important dickweeds.

I'll also agree that Hilton Head is racist AF. Me (a near albino level ginger) and 1wife (a lovely medium brown Brazillian) got a lot of stares and a few fucked up comments from the locals when we were there. Also had to deal with some strung out beach bums. Yech.
More and more from what I see posted online from friends and family I can say my hometown. I absolutely dread having to go home for a funeral someday after having those folks out their true selves online.

Johnstown PA for reference.

Altoona boy here. I feel this one.
My folks still live there. Thanks to the incredibly low cost of living, they can travel more with their retirement dollars (or at least that was the plan until Covid derailed it) but that's about it.
Vegas..well all of Nevada actually. Carson City/Dayton is about as depressing as can possibly be.

Florida, 'nuf said. Even being on per diem and staying in a sweet condo on Cocoa Beach couldn't make that place bearable.

Most of the midwest just reminds me of the Ca central valley as @micwalt noted, just horrible, flat, barren and smelly. And the bible thumping, gawd fearing trumpsters that inhabit same.

LA. The unrelenting urban sprawl, self absorbed angelinos, and the constant waste of water to put lawns on what was, is and shall ever be a desert. No offense to the so cal forumites.
West coast of Florida is way better than east coast. Although it all sucks for the most part. Cocoa is crap. Daytona has gone to shit. Jacksonville has a couple of hot spots that can be endearing but Tampa/St. Pete is a better overall experience.
I'm surprised by this one - I live about an hour or so north of Louisville, and we generally find it to be a great place to spend an afternoon. Never had rudeness issues there. I'm not trying to discount or argue your experience, more wondering what was going on while you were there that had the people set off.

I thought you were in Ohio... ???

Well I guess, you could be North East and not be in Indiana.
NYC can suck it. It's a giant seething rat infested shithole full self important dickweeds.

I'll also agree that Hilton Head is racist AF. Me (a near albino level ginger) and 1wife (a lovely medium brown Brazillian) got a lot of stares and a few fucked up comments from the locals when we were there. Also had to deal with some strung out beach bums. Yech.


I was going to say "racists can just go fuck themselves"... but that would lead to more inbreeding and probably just make the whole thing worse. :helper:
Most big cities. Specifically downtown core areas.

I can deal with going to one for an event or a specific purpose but I don’t really want to spend any great length of time in the cores.
just got corporate notification that we have bought out a company that has offices in Australia and New Zealand......HMMMMMMMMMM :idea:

anybody have bad things to say about them ^^. other than the 8 most venomous creatures on earth all being in Aussie land??
just got corporate notification that we have bought out a company that has offices in Australia and New Zealand......HMMMMMMMMMM :idea:

anybody have bad things to say about them ^^. other than the 8 most venomous creatures on earth all being in Aussie land??

NZ would be awesome
Altoona boy here. I feel this one.
My folks still live there. Thanks to the incredibly low cost of living, they can travel more with their retirement dollars (or at least that was the plan until Covid derailed it) but that's about it.

Huh. I'm originally from Hollidaysburg. My parents still live there...and my grandparents lived in Johnstown.