Pets of Wein

That leash looks nice and loose :cool:

Yup that's why I took the picture.

We use a gentle leader so her pulling wasn't terrible unless she was near her favourite place to play but she'd be super excited on her big evening walk (that one ^ ) and we'd constantly be trying to keep it loose.

The dog whisperer dude said although she wasn't dragging us down the street, she was being hyper vigilant and thought her "job" was to scan and make sure there was no danger to me or Mrs JBJ. Now she's learning her job is to walk nice next to us.

Same with barking at the window. She'll always be protective of the house but her job now is to gently alert us that something might be outside than to go nuts barking at the window and scare it off.
Yup that's why I took the picture.

We use a gentle leader so her pulling wasn't terrible unless she was near her favourite place to play but she'd be super excited on her big evening walk (that one ^ ) and we'd constantly be trying to keep it loose.

The dog whisperer dude said although she wasn't dragging us down the street, she was being hyper vigilant and thought her "job" was to scan and make sure there was no danger to me or Mrs JBJ. Now she's learning her job is to walk nice next to us.

Same with barking at the window. She'll always be protective of the house but her job now is to gently alert us that something might be outside than to go nuts barking at the window and scare it off.

Thats great to hear. Working dogs can make great pets but they need a job to give them a sense of purpose.

Our puppy added a new one recently. She helps herd the chickens. It’s super cute. The wife needs back surgery and is walking with a cane. The puppy just kind of started helping one day. She’ll put her head down on them and hold them until somebody picks them up to put them back in there coop.
Took the wolf pack out to the the local beer garden on Saturday. One is mine, the other two came with my daughters.

Yup that's why I took the picture.

We use a gentle leader so her pulling wasn't terrible unless she was near her favourite place to play but she'd be super excited on her big evening walk (that one ^ ) and we'd constantly be trying to keep it loose.

The dog whisperer dude said although she wasn't dragging us down the street, she was being hyper vigilant and thought her "job" was to scan and make sure there was no danger to me or Mrs JBJ. Now she's learning her job is to walk nice next to us.

Same with barking at the window. She'll always be protective of the house but her job now is to gently alert us that something might be outside than to go nuts barking at the window and scare it off.
I'm pretty sure Sonny thinks his job is to find mesquite beans and eat them, also to chase rabbits if he sees them. Luckily he is not a barker but anytime he goes in the backyard he just tears ass out the back door to one of the trees and lets out a bark or two at whatever bird is in the tree and then that's it. If someone is walking by in the alley he will again let one or two barks out but two barks tseems to be his limit. He never barks from in the house.
A couple years back I tried a gentle leader on him and it worked good for a few walks but then he started doing barrel rolls and actually scraped his nose in the process on the asphalt so that was the end of that.
Lola's come on leaps and bounds since seeing the behaviourist.

She never junps to bark at the window if other dogs walk by.

She's even stopped barking at the doorbell most of the time. He did show us some things to try re: this but we've not really followed through with them so I'm putting it down to her confidence growing.
Here's Queen Pearl on her throne. Note the ramp - she's mobility restricted (arthritis and earlier injuries to her back end) so she needs it to get comfortably up and down from the sofa. The good thing about having a not-so-mobile cat is that in the ten months we've had her she's NEVER knocked ANYTHING over. In fact, in some ways she's the most un-cat like cat I've ever met. I think she's half lab - she wags her tail, is intensely social, incredibly talkative, and very insistent on receiving lots of attention. She hardly ever 'plays' and is the least aloof cat ever. Oh - and she's got thumbs!

Here's Queen Pearl on her throne. Note the ramp - she's mobility restricted (arthritis and earlier injuries to her back end) so she needs it to get comfortably up and down from the sofa. The good thing about having a not-so-mobile cat is that in the ten months we've had her she's NEVER knocked ANYTHING over. In fact, in some ways she's the most un-cat like cat I've ever met. I think she's half lab - she wags her tail, is intensely social, incredibly talkative, and very insistent on receiving lots of attention. She hardly ever 'plays' and is the least aloof cat ever. Oh - and she's got thumbs!

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Gorgeous cat and I'm not a cat person.
So we left her in the living room with her lovely big comfy bed and cool mat and a little light left on so she wasn't completely in the dark.

I got up a few times to pee, the living room door was frosted with a little border I could look through and she just sat there, literally for hours, staring at the door so I let her into the room. Then she spent the night moving around in reverse (it's that small she can't even turn around if she's either side of the bed!!!) bumping in to things and keeping us awake.

Going to chill in the village today, there's a few small beaches so we're going to go for a swim. It's her birthday tomorrow so we've got some doggy cake and presents. There's an award winning butcher round the corner so I might buy her a steak for dinner.