Pets of Wein

Have you tried walking her with another dog? Sounds wacky, but we’ve done that with foster dogs before that didn’t get along with other dogs and it helped.

We had organised this with someone and managed one session but her dog went in to heat that week and then she was buying another one so it fell by the wayside.

Mrs JBJs sister bought a teacup yorkie last Summer and I've been saying since day 1 we should be introducing them to each other to no avail. They've not said as much but I'm assuming they're reluctant to have such a small dog near Lola, I'd prefer they just said if that was the case.
I believe this is what dog tired looks like...

Went to the dog meet again yesterday and Lola did great.

A lovely big dopey looking shepherd bounded over to Lola at one point. Lola had a little warning bark but calmed down quickly and we had a nice chat with the dogs owner.

Hopefully over time she'll realise that dogs largely aren't going to hurt her. It os so nice seeing the dogs all playing and I'd love Lola to be able to join in.

Gratuitous garden shot:
Willy mojo, please.

He’s been lethargic all day and vomited a few times about an hour ago.
Vomiting is not a good sign, but only if it gets chronic.

He does this almost everyday, but today was for an extended amount of time and he was “dead” weight. Usually, he feels more like he’s actively holding on.

Willy's vomiting stopped in the evening.
He slept on the bottom of his cage - which he never does.
He was groggy again the next morning but ate a good amount of his feed and drank some fluids.

He got progressively better throughout the day yesterday and he's back to his old self today.
Willy's vomiting stopped in the evening.
He slept on the bottom of his cage - which he never does.
He was groggy again the next morning but ate a good amount of his feed and drank some fluids.

He got progressively better throughout the day yesterday and he's back to his old self today.
That's good to hear. Continued mojo for Willy.
Best guess right now is that he managed to sneak a sip of my coffee when no one was looking.
I caught him sitting on the rim of my mug - I think it was Sunday.
No one saw him climb up there. So, he could have been there long enough to take a drink.

Caffeine is a no-no for conures (and probably most pets).

So Lola pulled so hard barking at a tiny dog earlier she yamked the lead away from me and charged at it.

I don't know if it was me shouting, running after her or that she just doesn't know what to do round other dogs but she got right in its face, they barked a bkt then she lay fully down,head and all in a submissive position.

The other owner was none too pleased and I don't blame him.

She's been doing really good from a distance at the group meets, I don't know why she's not good when out walking.

We've git a behaviourist coming to observe her next week. That ^ is a first but we want yer to be less anxious and reactive in general. Hopefully he can help.

She's sitting, on her fancy new trampolone bed that takes up almost as much room as the couch! Looking very glum.
View attachment 64129 Lily dog. She has Cushings disease so she's getting fat. We rescued her from a shelter. She was dominated in a dog fighting house. Went through the Police K9 obedience program. She's a lover now unless you're another animal.
I miss my baby. Still look for her out of habit. This thread helps. I like to see happy, healthy animals being cared for.