Pets of Wein

Leaving my grans on Friday she asked how Lola was and said we spoil her when I mentioned her massive trampoline bed thing.

Hell yeah we do.

MIL visited today who she totally adores so she was very happy.

There was a horse show in the park so no meet up with her future doggy friends.

We went a nice big walk by a manmade lake, she swam so far out I was beginning to think I'd need to go after her then she got some ice cream and a bit of head out the window action on the way home.

All in all a good morning for Lola. Here she is eating ice cream and guarding my latest wine acquisition.
And then she pulled our duvet off and pissed all over the bed when I was out at the driving range and mrs jbj popped to the local shop for 15 minutes :facepalm:
And then she pulled our duvet off and pissed all over the bed when I was out at the driving range and mrs jbj popped to the local shop for 15 minutes :facepalm:

If it makes you feel better early on when I got sonny when he was like 8 months old he woke me at like 4 am standing on the bed next to me and then he lifted his leg and pissed on me ....and of course the duvet :embarrassed:

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If it makes you feel better early on when I got sonny when he was like 8 months old he woke me at like 4 am standing on the bed next to me and then he lifted his leg and pissed on me ....and of course the duvet :embarrassed:

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I'm just glad Mrs JBJ isn't as refined as me, I wanted to buy an £80 goosedown duvet 2 days before the first pee incident :embarrassed:

Window cleaner came today and for the first time ever she didn't bark at him. Proud dog daddy.
That went well. The dude took the fact she tried to bite him in the balls very well :grin:

Really good to get somw insight into Lola's thought process and why she's so nervous.

It's going to take some time (she's not even to leave our street on walks until shea 100% calm) but I'm confident it'll make a massive difference.

Wish we'd done this when we furst got her instead of the obedienve classes she absolutely hated.
I don't want to be preemptive but i just took Lola her big walk and it was incredible.

After a few minutes going over what we learned earlier on I took her up and round the hill behind our house. The behaviourist said it might take a week or 2 walking up and down the street until she gets the message.

2 dogs in houses barked and she blanked them
Another from the top of our road barked and she didn't even look round
The lead was loose at all times and she walked beside me nicely.
She wasn't weaving about and didnt go off to sniff anything unless I gave the "break" command and let her goto investigate.

I know it's literally day 1 but that was incredible. The behaviourist said she's anxious because she needs a job and up until this point her job has been walking in front and "keeping us safe". Now she's learning that mrs JBJ and I got this and her job is to hang fire and let us do it.

I'm feeling very proud and a bit emotional just now. :thu:
Me and my best pal walking on a sunny day.


The difference in her since seeing the behaviourist last weekend is incredible.

She barely pulls at all just now and her reactivity to other dogs is way down. Instead of jumping up and barking at the window if there's something outside she doesn't like, she'll do a little growl then wait for me or mrs jbj to check it out - usually a tiny little yappy dog or a cat - and tell her its OK and well done for alerting us to the danger.

Mrs JBJ was out with friends yesterday, when we got in from our big evening walk Lola went round to see if she was in then, realised she wasn't just plodded off to bed on her own. Usually she'd be looking out for her all night.

We've always looked after her and she's nice and settled here but I'm really happy she's now gaining confidence and isn't worrying about things she doesn't need to. :thu:
Me and my best pal walking on a sunny day.

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The difference in her since seeing the behaviourist last weekend is incredible.

She barely pulls at all just now and her reactivity to other dogs is way down. Instead of jumping up and barking at the window if there's something outside she doesn't like, she'll do a little growl then wait for me or mrs jbj to check it out - usually a tiny little yappy dog or a cat - and tell her its OK and well done for alerting us to the danger.

Mrs JBJ was out with friends yesterday, when we got in from our big evening walk Lola went round to see if she was in then, realised she wasn't just plodded off to bed on her own. Usually she'd be looking out for her all night.

We've always looked after her and she's nice and settled here but I'm really happy she's now gaining confidence and isn't worrying about things she doesn't need to. :thu:
That leash looks nice and loose :cool: