Pets of Wein

Sonny is the same instinct reractive to prey like rabbits which are very plentiful here, lizards, etc....his arch nemesis are birds for some reason....oddly he seems not to be bothered by cats. I therefore always need to keep him on a leash especially hiking or camping. I have to keep him on a tie out camping because like Kiira he would just take off on chase and I'm sure he'd find hius way back but I don't wanna risk the possibility he doesn't.

Most birds are fine, and she loves just sitting next to my PC on a chair against the balcony window watching birds. It's only crows that get her angry, cause the fuckers actually play with her...

And yeah, just like Sonny, she'll probably find her way back most of the time, but the chance that we might not is simply not worth it. We just always walk her with a 5 meter leash (just a plain leash, not one of those silly things with a handle), so she has enough freedom to snoot around and do whatever she wants, but cannot run off.

I'm quite curious what would happen if she'd actually catch something though. At some point in the dark this fall a hedgehog was suddenly in between me and her, and all she did was trying to get it to play with her :embarrassed: Same with a frog she "caught" during the roadtrip, she was just happily dooting it with her nose and not harming it whatsoever...
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Most birds are fine, and she loves just sitting next to my PC on a chair against the balcony window watching birds. It's only crows that get her angry, cause the fuckers actually play with her...

And yeah, just like Sonny, she'll probably find her way back most of the time, but the chance that we might not is simply not worth it. We just always walk her with a 5 meter leash (just a plain leash, not one of those silly things with a handle), so she has enough freedom to snoot around and do whatever she wants, but cannot run off.

I'm quite curious what would happen if she'd actually catch something though. At some point in the dark this fall a hedgehog was suddenly in between me and her, and all she did was trying to get it to play with her :embarrassed: Same with a frog she "caught" during the roadtrip, she was just happily dooting it with her nose and not harming it whatsoever...
yeah , same. I suspect Sonny would do one of two things...,either start looking around at me like "uh ok, not sure what to do now" or he'd shake it to death in his mouth like he does with floppy soft toys and then he'd probably bring it to me and expect me to throw it so he could go fetch :embarrassed:
Most birds are fine, and she loves just sitting next to my PC on a chair against the balcony window watching birds. It's only crows that get her angry, cause the fuckers actually play with her...

And yeah, just like Sonny, she'll probably find her way back most of the time, but the chance that we might not is simply not worth it. We just always walk her with a 5 meter leash (just a plain leash, not one of those silly things with a handle), so she has enough freedom to snoot around and do whatever she wants, but cannot run off.

I'm quite curious what would happen if she'd actually catch something though. At some point in the dark this fall a hedgehog was suddenly in between me and her, and all she did was trying to get it to play with her :embarrassed: Same with a frog she "caught" during the roadtrip, she was just happily dooting it with her nose and not harming it whatsoever...

Probably nothing good for the other animal if she sees it as prey. We thought that about our dogs with squirrels, until they caught one and promptly broke it's back :eek:. Our current dog has also caught a bird in a bush. She stabbed her head into a bush and I wondered what the hell she was doing until she pulled her head out with two wings on either side of her mouth. That bird didn't do well either. However the skunk she attacked a few years ago in the middle of the night got away just fine :flamemad:. Our evening was not so much fun though afterwards :gah::hit:
Probably nothing good for the other animal if she sees it as prey. We thought that about our dogs with squirrels, until they caught one and promptly broke it's back :eek:. Our current dog has also caught a bird in a bush. She stabbed her head into a bush and I wondered what the hell she was doing until she pulled her head out with two wings on either side of her mouth. That bird didn't do well either. However the skunk she attacked a few years ago in the middle of the night got away just fine :flamemad:. Our evening was not so much fun though afterwards :gah::hit:

That's why I'm so curious. With the frog, she definitely could have shredded it to bits, but she didn't.

We also encountered a baby seagull that couldn't fly yet (I guess it fell from the next), that I didn't notice because it was huddled against the curb, she could have torn it to bits before I even noticed what was happening, but she was just sniffing it and, again, booping it with her nose. The frog, hedgehog and baby seagull were all quite passive about the situation though, so it might be completely different with something that tries to get away.
Might be that they were odd animals to her so she didn't see them as prey. And yeah if they ran probably would be a different result like the squirrels. I never figured out why our current dog went for that bird, she's not a bird dog :grin: but she is a street dog so it might just have been a food instinct as it was relatively early after we rescued her
Hey! Walk boy! This way!


Arthur has been doing well. I taught him to sit in a couple hours. He has been going to work and hanging out with the trained therapy dogs. The second pic is him being so tired he fell asleep sitting up with his tongue hanging out. LOL
Three weeks ago, one of Mrs' T's coworkers asked if we could take in another dog. :facepalm:
The owners that she knew claimed they were going to be moving soon and would euthanize him. We believe he was being used to breed for a small puppy mill, but haven't been able to confirm it.

So, here's Milo the black Schnauzer. While he appears to have been stuck in a pen and probably mistreated, he has a wonderful, sweet personality.

Here he is on the way home, dirty and needing a trim.


After a bath, a minor hair trim and being neutered plus annual shots.

He's adapting quickly, making friends with all our critters.
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Three weeks ago, one of Mrs' T's coworkers asked if we could take in another dog. :facepalm:
The owners that she knew claimed they were going to be moving soon and would euthanize him. We believe he was being used to breed for a small puppy mill, but haven't been able to confirm it.

So, here's Milo the black Schnauzer. While he appears to have been stuck in a pen and probably mistreated, he has a wonderful, sweet personality.

Here he is on the way home, dirty and needing a trim.


After a bath, a minor hair trim and being neutered plus annual shots.

He's adapting quickly, making friends with all our critters.

how many does that make now?
how many does that make now?
Before answering, are you an investigator with the SPCA? :embarrassed:

Nine. Absolutely no more. I've done the age math and can't imagine having more than 2 or 3 dogs ten years from now when I'm 70.
Before answering, are you an investigator with the SPCA? :embarrassed:

Nine. Absolutely no more. I've done the age math and can't imagine having more than 2 or 3 dogs ten years from now when I'm 70.

Holy wowza. We have friends that never had kids but had a thing for dogs. She volunteered at a shelter and would’ve taken all the dogs home if she could have. The most I saw them with was 7. I remember him explaining to me that after 5, you don’t really notice another one.

They were able to take problem dogs on for few months, get them used to their pack and then rehome them when they chilled out, which I thought was kind of neat. It doesn’t sound like you rehome any though. You should get one more. 10 sounds better than 9.
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Before answering, are you an investigator with the SPCA? :embarrassed:

Nine. Absolutely no more. I've done the age math and can't imagine having more than 2 or 3 dogs ten years from now when I'm 70.

I could not handle that many animals unless I had a farm/ranch. I think my wife would be ok with lots of dogs but not a farm/ranch is enough and I don't want another after this one's gone. I love dogs but the window for travel is shrinking rapidly and my wife won't leave the dog in a kennel so the only traveling we do is with the dog. There are places in the world I want to go see before I die :mad:

@shoeless Great picture!
We bought some awesome halal tandoori chicken bone in breasts from an Indian supermarket yesterday.

Mrs JBJ had them sitting on the hob ready to go in the oven for dinner.

She popped out to the shops dropped something out front and asked if I would go out and look for it. I was out front 3 minutes tops.

You can see where this is going....

Luckily she'd left out 3 pieces and Lola only got one so neither of us went hungry but it had a very hot kick to it which definitely isn't going to bode well for Lola's (or Mrs JBJs) day tomorrow. :puke:
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