Pets of Wein

Holy wowza. We have friends that never had kids but had a thing for dogs. She volunteered at a shelter and would’ve taken all the dogs home if she could have. The most I saw them with was 7. I remember him explaining to me that after 5, you don’t really notice another one.

They were able to take problem dogs on for few months, get them used to their pack and then rehome them when they chilled out, which I thought was kind of neat. It doesn’t sound like you rehome any though. You should get one more. 10 sounds better than 9.
Our two oldest dogs won't likely see the year out. The Boxer-Pittie mix I rescued has cancer and the Chihuahua has multiple problems, including blindness.
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I could not handle that many animals unless I had a farm/ranch. I think my wife would be ok with lots of dogs but not a farm/ranch is enough and I don't want another after this one's gone. I love dogs but the window for travel is shrinking rapidly and my wife won't leave the dog in a kennel so the only traveling we do is with the dog. There are places in the world I want to go see before I die :mad:

@shoeless Great picture!
I totally get that. When our last dog passed, we held off for a while before getting another. It certainly makes travelling, and leaving the house in general, much easier. But in May of 2019 we found that goof in the photo and she's been a great companion. Luckily we have 2 adult children nearby who are willing to watch her when we're gone. They both live in cities though, and the dog gets a little stressed, but still way better than a kennel.

Regarding the photo, I can't take credit for it. I came home from work on Monday to find my wife in the front yard with a camera and the dog with hearts on her head.

Edit: The dog likes posing for pictures. Well, really she likes doing anything for some treats. Speaking of treats, I don't think I shared the Halloween photo.

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Our two oldest dogs won't likely see the year out. The Boxer-Pittie mix I rescued has cancer and the Chihuahua has multiple problems, including blindness.

Can't like that so mojo for your 2 older dogs. Ours is almost 14 and in great shape but the clock ticks fast on dogs so :shrug:
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I had a very vivid dream last night.

A dog collar had been invented that let your dog speak to you.

My friends dog was like: let's play, let's go a walk, I'm hungry.

I put it on Lola and she came out with total gibberish like: blue pineapple dinosaur boots :helper:
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I had a very vivid dream last night.

A dog collar had been invented that let your dog speak to you.

My friends dog was like: let's play, let's go a walk, I'm hungry.

I put it on Lola and she came out with total gibberish like: blue pineapple dinosaur boots :helper:

There was that movie, Up.

@MonkeyZero ... your dog is soooo freakin' cute.... my wife would want to dog-nap him in a heartbeat!

@Flamencology I just stumbled across the pics of your dog outside in July and soooooo cute!!!!

My oldest daughter lost one of her cats this week.... Turnip (named after a cat in an animated movie Princess and the Goblin) was the kitten she got while in college. He was 12 and was with her through getting married, having her son... and now they have a daughter that is going to be born next month. My youngest tried to console her sister by saying "He did his job, but knew that you're ready to be a mom again even if he isn't here anymore." Yeah... uncontrollable tears.


He had a heart murmor, and his heart just gave out while he was sleeping. The vet said that most cats with his condition don't normally live that long. R.I.P. little guy.
Left work a lot later than I hoped to do today.

As I pulled into our scheme I spotted Lola and Mrs Jbj in her favourite bit of grass so I parked up and had a lovely surprise play time. She was so excited to see me when she wasn't expecting it :grin: