Pets of Wein


This dummo found a favorite place in the front yard.
We've been in Spain for a week while Lola has been at Mrs JBJs parents. We pick her up tomorrow am. I can't wait this is the longest we've been away from her since getting her.

I'd imagine she's largely indifferent as gran and grandpa have a massive garden to run about in.
As expected Lola was totally indifferent to Mrs jbj and very indifferent to me.

She's absolutely knackered and has slept most of the day, I hope she remembers she's got a full day at doggy day care tomorrow to contend with :embarrassed:
She's slightly wakened and is now being very needy. She's cabbaged on the couch letting me pet her and watching Ramsay's Kitchen Nightmares, she usually jumps up for a quite pet then runs away to her bed.