Pets of Wein

Cookie and I are on the way to the cat doc so she can get an echocardiogram because last time we were there they heard a murmur. She should be fine but she is nit enjoying the cat carrier today.
Cookie and I are on the way to the cat doc so she can get an echocardiogram because last time we were there they heard a murmur. She should be fine but she is nit enjoying the cat carrier today.

Mojo for Cookie

Mom's cat absolutely refuses to get in a cat carrier any more. When we had to do it to move him from Houston to San Marcos, it sounded like someone was cooking a baby alive. Seriously horrific.
Mojo for Cookie

Mom's cat absolutely refuses to get in a cat carrier any more. When we had to do it to move him from Houston to San Marcos, it sounded like someone was cooking a baby alive. Seriously horrific.

Cookie is pretty good about it. She whines a bit but that’s really it. After a few minutes she kind of accepts the situation and just glares at you through the mesh.
Had a great training session with Lola earlier. She's been acting a bit puppyish when out and about so back to basics and she walked at heel all the way to her favourite playing field like a champ then proceeded to go nuts.

Nipped in to the pub across the road for a pint on the way home and the newish girl behind the bar was giving it: "I love your dog, she's so calm and we'll behaved compared to most of the digs we get in here "

I had a laugh telling her about the unfortunate banning incident when she nipped my pal not long after we'd taken her on. Girl couldn't believe it.

She's largely right about her being one of the best behaved dogs in the place. A manager brings in her French Bullie and it's a horrible little bastard, absolutely no training at all and runs around being a little shit but because it's a smaller designer dog everyone thinks it's OK. If Lola or another big scary looking dog acted the same people wouldn't want to be near the,place. Same with my bro and sis in laws mini yorkies. They jump all over everyone and everything but because they're small they get away with it.
We tried to do a DNA test on Lola twice through Wisdom Path. Both times the sample failed so I've tried again using Embark. Just got an email to say a little vial of her DNA is floating around the States somewhere ready for testing :thu:
Mojo for Cookie

Mom's cat absolutely refuses to get in a cat carrier any more. When we had to do it to move him from Houston to San Marcos, it sounded like someone was cooking a baby alive. Seriously horrific.
I literally spit a skittle across my office laughing at that description.
We've a partial result on Lola's fancy USA DNA test.

Apparently she's mixed (full breed report is still to come) but the health stuff has come back looking pretty good. The only thing flagged up is Degenerative Myelopathy and it says this is flagged up for offspring, it shouldn't affect her. Not to say none of this will get her but there's 100+ conditions they're saying she's no genetic predisposition to so that's good.
Duh jist realised the thread I posted in yesterday wasn't this one!

So Lola is 16% Czech Wolfdog. Yes Miss Orthopaedic bed and Cath Kidson blanket is literally descended from wolves :facepalm:


We also got a match on a bunch of close relatives (cousins, aunts, uncles)

And a direct relative (brother, sister or parent) so we've messaged the owner to see if they've any info.
Oh dear it appears all of her UK based relatives are in Aberdeen or Dundee. Sheep shagging / smack addict country
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I completely forgot to post about our roadtrip with Kiira here :embarrassed:

From beginning of September to early October we took Kiira on a roadtrip through Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Germany to the Netherlands and back the same-ish way. It was a fucking blast, and we think she enjoyed the shit out of it as well.


We made Kiira a lovely hammock kinda thing behind the front seats so she can chill in a safe way during drives.

And she loved sitting behind us looking around
During overnight stops we had a fold-out bed we made ourselves, folded up her hammock and had plenty of inside space.


She got into cricket hunting, actually caught (and ate) a bunch I think :embarrassed:


Preferred sleeping position while driving :embarrassed: Every once in a while while driving we'd get a cosy warm nose against our shoulders.


In NL she got along with everybody super well. She even hopped on my dad's lap. Something she has never ever done with anyone. I'm pretty sure she also surprised herself with this move :embarrassed: She also got along really well with CoGF's family. Stayed at my youngest brother for 2 nights when we had a thing we couldn't bring her to, also went well. Even had a 15 people party at my parents place, something she's never experienced, where she behaved super well.


On the way back we had some amazing lake-side overnight spots in Poland.


Some lovely Baltic beaches on the Latvian coast.


And our final night a few meters from the coast in Estonia.
That sounds like a road trip I'd love to go on. Love Germany and the Baltics.

Germany was actually very annoying/unfun :embarrassed: We've had train trips through Germany when we still lived in NL, good fun. But being in the north of Germany with a campervan sucks balls. Everybody stares like crazy, all the roadside rest-spots are disgusting, thrash cans are filled to the brim and never emptied all over the place, public toilets are dank beyond belief, they drive like absolute assholes, just generally a cunt-ish environment. The only spot we enjoyed in Germany was next to a castle ruin where no one came.

Poland, by contrast, was amazing. Plenty of forest spots to hang out, the only people you meet are old ladies and geezers picking mushrooms, facilities are amazing and clean, nobody bothers each other, forests are clean, and the landscape is gorgeous. Even at this one spot where some shady youths rolled up at some point, they just waved a friendly hello, did whatever sketchy shit they came to do and fucked off half an hour later after cleaning their campfire, cans and whatever they did.