OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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That MOAB is no joke. There's a reason we've never unleashed its fury before today. It is as close to a WMD as can be. It is in stark contrast to our typical "surgical strike" attack, where the idea is to keep civilians and innocents from being blown to bits. This thing destroys everything in the vicinity... completely.

Had we dropped one on that Syrian airfield last week, the entire facility would be a crater.

The fact that Trump so willy nilly unleashed one so soon after taking office causes me great concern.

Sure, it may have been suggested by the Joint Chiefs, it may send an ominous signal to North Korea, but it also sends a signal to the entire world that America is becoming an unhinged bully that isn't worried about bashing your skull in with an aluminum bat.

It encourages crazy despots to show off their biggest and baddest weapons in a very bad way. This won't deter someone like Kim Jong Un anymore than calling Marty McFly "Chicken".

Sent from Crab Nebulae via reverse engineered alien technology
That MOAB is no joke. There's a reason we've never unleashed its fury before today. It is as close to a WMD as can be. It is in stark contrast to our typical "surgical strike" attack, where the idea is to keep civilians and innocents from being blown to bits. This thing destroys everything in the vicinity... completely.

Had we dropped one on that Syrian airfield last week, the entire facility would be a crater.

The fact that Trump so willy nilly unleashed one so soon after taking office causes me great concern.

Sure, it may have been suggested by the Joint Chiefs, it may send an ominous signal to North Korea, but it also sends a signal to the entire world that America is becoming an unhinged bully that isn't worried about bashing your skull in with an aluminum bat.

It encourages crazy despots to show off their biggest and baddest weapons in a very bad way. This won't deter someone like Kim Jong Un anymore than calling Marty McFly "Chicken".

Sent from Crab Nebulae via reverse engineered alien technology

again, as i said before.....this thing was positioned in the region back during obama's admin. IS has been using tunnels and caves to move munitions and troops unseen and unreachable for a long time. no other munitions that we have can destroy that system (except nuclear) it was the right weapon for the job. is it the right time to use it....i don't know that. but if you're gonna fuck up a bunch of underground tunnels and such....this is the animal to use. and again....THIS WAS PLANNED DURING THE OBAMA ADMIN.
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I'm inclined to believe that the use of the MOAB was timed by our military to inflict maximum damage on the target, i.e. when the greatest amount of high-ranking ISIS members were present. It's only Trump's staggering lack of competency and credibility that gives me pause.

Again, I am an optimist.
I'm inclined to believe that the use of the MOAB was timed by our military to inflict maximum damage on the target, i.e. when the greatest amount of high-ranking ISIS members were present. It's only Trump's staggering lack of competency and credibility that gives me pause.

Again, I am an optimist.

it's really more about finding the 'entrances' to the tunnel network. the military has been planning this OP for several years....but they just didn't know where the entrances were. this weapon has been in the theater for over 2 years. but the intel wasn't there...yet. it is only coincedental that this op happens now. cheeto had nothing to do with this. this op was planned during the obama admin. it was all about finding the beginning of the tunnels, so that they could be destroyed. that took time.
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Yay!!! We're so excited our president bombed some country he couldn't even remember the name of because the chocolate cake was so good!!! Let's completely forget his campaign may have committed treason to get into office, several senior members have blatantly lied and a supreme court seat has been stolen.

Oh yeah and most of the two face liars supporting his decision were opposed to it just a short while ago when the other guy was in office. Nothing like a good flip flop.

Is NATO obsolete or did trump fix that already? Who knew the China situation would be complicated?
Trump Threatens Health Subsidies to Force Democrats to Bargain

"His bargaining chip is the government subsidies paid to insurance companies so they can reduce deductibles and other out-of-pocket costs for low-income consumers — seven million people this year.

In an interview with The Wall Street Journal this week, Mr. Trump threatened to withhold the subsidy payments as a way to induce the Democrats to bargain with him.

For now, Democrats are resisting and using his maneuver against him to energize their own party. And they warn that Mr. Trump will be blamed if the insurance markets collapse and people lose coverage next year.

“Republicans are in control of government,” Senator Claire McCaskill, Democrat of Missouri, said Thursday after a town-hall-style meeting in her home state. “If they blow up what access to health care there is right now, they’re going to own it.”

i can not write, on the internet, what level i believe this rises to.
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