OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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See, I view it as a service. He didn't know, and his supporters didn't know, so this is his daily lesson for America. He's a helper. :)

I’ll agree with you when he tells a reporter “Until I spent a day at a long table surrounded by people with advanced degrees I never realized that you don’t actually learn much from watching cable news.” Maybe the military can make that happen. Put Trump in a room full of generals who are also academics. Lock the doors and don’t open them until he finally understands the value of at least reading a news magazine not written at a sixth-grade level.
I’ll agree with you when he tells a reporter “Until I spent a day at a long table surrounded by people with advanced degrees I never realized that you don’t actually learn much from watching cable news.” Maybe the military can make that happen. Put Trump in a room full of generals who are also academics. Lock the doors and don’t open them until he finally understands the value of at least reading a news magazine not written at a sixth-grade level.
It's a process, not an event. :embarrassed:
$444,444 per militant, not including the cost to carry out the bombing

This attack wasn’t a kill mission. It was a tactical strike on ISIS assets and caves and tunnels used to hide and move them. So while this bomb was crazy expensive, it might be significantly less so than numerous smaller missions.
This attack wasn’t a kill mission. It was a tactical strike on ISIS assets and caves and tunnels used to hide and move them. So while this bomb was crazy expensive, it might be significantly less so than numerous smaller missions.
Sure there's multiple objectives and benefits. Just throwing some estimated dollars against easily quantifiable results.
Lieutenant, your job is to record the first ever combat use of the MOAB. Here’s a camera.

Sir, this is a black-and-white camera left over from Desert Storm. Can I just use the 4K HDR camera on my phone?

Lieutenant, this is the military. We paid $250,000 for that camera in 1989. You WILL use it.

Um, you don't get color with IR. That thing was dropped an hour after sunset.
with 22,000 lbs of high order explosives....i expected to see the whole side of that mountain peeled away. :mad:

It’s not that kind of bomb. The MOAB doesn’t penetrate a structure and blow it up. The MOAB is one huge wave of force. It’s hypothetically an awesome antipersonnel weapon—if one exists in a theater then the enemy can never concentrate a large force in one place because they can all be wiped out with one big blast. The other great use is that a big wave of force will zip through caves and tunnels, destroying them as it goes.
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