OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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We'll vote later today.
In the meantime, I'll post a political meme to fill the void...
--- Lastly I'll tackle a bit on D.C. Washington is a bit of a problem, but I don't care which side of the fence you're on, you can't go in like Mr. Smith and expect to change anything. You can't go in stonewalling any and every bill proposed by the other party. NOTHING gets done without bipartisan support/compromise. This used to work. The leaders in the two parties would meet and get things done. Give and take in a reasonable and rational manner. The "tea party" totally fucked that up. Going in with a blatant anti-liberal neo-Christian agenda in a country supposedly founded on freedom of religion? Total bullshit.

That happened long before the Tea Party: the so-called Republican Revolution really began it with the 1994 midterm election. The Jan 95 congress elected Newt Gingrich [spit!] as Speaker of the House, and cooperation was straight the fuck out and party discipline with a heaping helping of angry jingoism was the order of the day.
That happened long before the Tea Party: the so-called Republican Revolution really began it with the 1994 midterm election. The Jan 95 congress elected Newt Gingrich [spit!] as Speaker of the House, and cooperation was straight the fuck out and party discipline with a heaping helping of angry jingoism was the order of the day.

But despite that, bills were passed, legislation and the process moved forward even while Newt tried in earnest to criminalize the Clintons (philosophically he was quite successful as we can see clearly today). The stonewalling of the the two most recent terms is unprecedented...usually something broke at some point.
if you say it enough times, stupid people will believe it.

i really wonder what is going to happen when trump looses yuuuge. are there going to be riots?
i read a report on a poll today that said that 49% of those claiming they are voting for trump aren't voting for him but against hillary.
we can presume those won't riot. it's the rabid wingnuts i worry about.
if you say it enough times, stupid people will believe it.

i really wonder what is going to happen when trump looses yuuuge. are there going to be riots?
i read a report on a poll today that said that 49% of those claiming they are voting for trump aren't voting for him but against hillary.
we can presume those won't riot. it's the rabid wingnuts i worry about.
Which, as I always seem to ask... What really, honestly, truly makes Hillary that terrible? Nobody seems to come up with anything that isn't a Fox News talking point.
Which, as I always seem to ask... What really, honestly, truly makes Hillary that terrible? Nobody seems to come up with anything that isn't a Fox News talking point.
i didn't say i was one of the 49%. i was just reporting what i read. i'm voting for her.
you would have to ask them.
I think @baimun nailed it a few pages ago. Trump's real end game is some sort of Trump TV/Radio/Internet empire. When he loses, he'll rile his faithful up (but carefully - he'll make sure not to cross the line that would get him in legal trouble). He'll whip them up into a froth, but, ultimately, he'll keep them from actually doing anything that would land him in trouble.

Il Douche will build an empire selling hate, fear, and paranoia to the alt-right.
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