OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Well I can say that under the direction of Tim Kaine Virginia sucked. He doesn't have an original thought and has always been a yes man.

Please educate yourself. Mr. Kaine is a very accomplished individual and has served the state quite well. Most certainly he was the best mayor of Richmond in my lifetime.

Oh snap! Youth for Trump memes!
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Free college for those under $125,000 income. Public
Please educate yourself. Mr. Kaine is a very accomplished individual and have served the state quite well. Most certainly he was the best mayor of Richmond in my lifetime.
He killed us as governor and left us billions in the whole. To which Bob McDonnell corrected and came out money ahead. As a state employee at the time I lived with that fucker wasting public funds like he was making money on bullshit and cutting public safety and critical resources in mental health. He was a side talking crony piece of shit.
Free college for those under $125,000 income. Public

He killed us as governor and left us billions in the whole. To which Bob McDonnell corrected and came out money ahead. As a state employee at the time I lived with that fucker wasting public funds like he was making money on bullshit and cutting public safety and critical resources in mental health. He was a side talking crony piece of shit.

The governor during the worst economic crisis in 80 years ran a shortfall. The governor during the economic recovery ran a surplus...thanks to some very deft budget cuts that occurred during the crisis.

And the last budget Kaine signed into law ended with a surplus. In fact, Republican Gov. Bob McDonnell praised Kaine for making “tough cuts” in state spending and relying on “conservative” revenue forecasts in the 2008-2010 biennial budget that helped the state end fiscal year 2010 with a $403 million surplus.

McDonnell rightly credited “two administrations” for the surplus, since fiscal year 2010 started under Kaine and ended six months later under a McDonnell administration.
Mental health workers were and are over worked in Virginia
The governor during the worst economic crisis in 80 years ran a shortfall. The governor during the economic recovery ran a surplus...thanks to some very deft budget cuts that occurred during the crisis.

And the last budget Kaine signed into law ended with a surplus. In fact, Republican Gov. Bob McDonnell praised Kaine for making “tough cuts” in state spending and relying on “conservative” revenue forecasts in the 2008-2010 biennial budget that helped the state end fiscal year 2010 with a $403 million surplus.

McDonnell rightly credited “two administrations” for the surplus, since fiscal year 2010 started under Kaine and ended six months later under a McDonnell administration.
Kaine's cuts killed people.
We deport criminal illegal aliens consistently and within a month they're back. Have witnessed it several times over the years. It's crazy. If you can't keep the illegal aliens convicted of a felony out of the country how the hell are you going to round up those without a green card that obey the law and deport them. Serious lack of understanding on this issue.
Well that was a bit before my time.
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