OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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In the 70's, the idea in social studies was that as Communist countries moved toward democracy, the US democracy was moving towards communism.

Now I wonder if America is moving towards coalition government, with elections every time a group splits from the governing coalition. Such as in Italy, Greece, etc.
Tomi Lahren..... I'm sooooo sick of people I know posting her videos on Facebook.

I've never heard anything come out of her stupid blonde face that wasn't hateful, racist, mis-informed, or just plain ignorant.


She makes Ann Coulter look like Martha Stewart.
I am getting sick of folks who post stuff from faux news sites; when you point out is is satire and not true, they reply, well it is rooted in truth. Okay, but don't try to pass it off as fact.

I tell them that all satire is rooted in truth. The point is to laugh at it, realize why the point of view is ridiculous, and question why you hold such a ridiculous belief. Then if they can't do that, I suggest they take a long walk off a short pier.
Giuliani said something really stupid today at a Trump rally, so I dug up this amazing video. Gaze upon it in horror!

My wife was left in stunned silence when I played this for her last night. Her head almost exploded. Interestingly, we saw it way back when it was originally aired, but it didn't stick in the brain. Now it is a scar in the "can't unsee" portion of our brains.
Part of the problem is there are too many "satire" sites who don't properly identify themselves as satire. The knee-jerks and tinfoil hats jump all over it as fact.

I disagree. The problem is that there are too many blog/opinion sites who present their opinion as fact. Satire is usually easy to spot. When you try to dig in to a 'news' story and the only news organization reporting it is FOX and all the other search results are bloggers you know it's bullshit.
I disagree. The problem is that there are too many blog/opinion sites who present their opinion as fact. Satire is usually easy to spot. When you try to dig in to a 'news' story and the only news organization reporting it is FOX and all the other search results are bloggers you know it's bullshit.

Perhaps what I'm trying to say is it's increasingly difficult to find "factual news" when the majority of the sources range from biased news sources to opinion pieces that aren't labeled as such, to complete horse shit passing off as satire. There is no black and white journalism, just various shades of shit brown.
Perhaps what I'm trying to say is it's increasingly difficult to find "factual news" when the majority of the sources range from biased news sources to opinion pieces that aren't labeled as such, to complete horse shit passing off as satire. There is no black and white journalism, just various shades of shit brown.

No argument from me.
Perhaps what I'm trying to say is it's increasingly difficult to find "factual news" when the majority of the sources range from biased news sources to opinion pieces that aren't labeled as such, to complete horse shit passing off as satire. There is no black and white journalism, just various shades of shit brown.
The internet has allowed anyone to "be a journalist" without bothering with picky details like facts.
Perhaps what I'm trying to say is it's increasingly difficult to find "factual news" when the majority of the sources range from biased news sources to opinion pieces that aren't labeled as such, to complete horse shit passing off as satire. There is no black and white journalism, just various shades of shit brown.

Sadly, I think most (like 51% or so) of the news sources are still just reporting the news, but if it's a local Fox station the assumption is there is "conservative" spin among "liberals" and if it's not affiliated with Fox, Fox has done an absolutely outstanding job selling "conservatives" the idea that all other media has a "liberal" spin.

But CNN's regular news is pretty straight (albeit not that great), AP has spent its existence just reporting what facts it discovers and selling those unbiased stories to whatever media outlets need copy. So the regular outlets aren't really spun in their straight news reporting (not all of the shows that are basically televised columns) and the wire services still just report what's known and avoid adding assumptions about the motivation of statements or actions or expressing an opinion about.

Most news outlets still get fair representation from both sides of an issue to discuss a given issue. It's not the networks' fault if the conservative commentators or pundits come off looking like twits. Remember when Katie Couric had the unmitigated gaul to ask Sarah Palin what papers she read? Remember how she was vilified by the right for "attacking" the vice presidential candidate. Simple fucking question, but Palin wasn't smart enough to know the name of a paper...twit tripped over her own uninformed feet.

The internet has allowed anyone to "be a journalist" without bothering with picky details like facts.

Yeah, journalistic standards are an endangered species. Here's a great take on it by Mr. Oliver, who despite being blatantly liberal hits the nail perfectly in this piece:

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