OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Tomi Lahren..... I'm sooooo sick of people I know posting her videos on Facebook. She makes Ann Coulter look like Martha Stewart.

It's amazing how blatantly the self-described conservative news outlets go right for the twinkies that they think are pretty to read the teleprompter...these are not journalists. And if they have gone to journalism school, they were either shitty students, the programs at their school are shit, or they're just idiots. Well, I think the third point applies not matter what.
It's amazing how blatantly the self-described conservative news outlets go right for the twinkies that they think are pretty to read the teleprompter...these are not journalists. And if they have gone to journalism school, they were either shitty students, the programs at their school are shit, or they're just idiots. Well, I think the third point applies not matter what.

This isn't unique to journalists; I can't imagine any well-informed intelligent person who isn't a myopic specialist support the GOP in any way, shape, or form.
It's amazing how blatantly the self-described conservative news outlets go right for the twinkies that they think are pretty to read the teleprompter...these are not journalists. And if they have gone to journalism school, they were either shitty students, the programs at their school are shit, or they're just idiots. Well, I think the third point applies not matter what.

At the end of the day, they're actors playing a part. That's all.
This isn't unique to journalists; I can't imagine any well-informed intelligent person who isn't a myopic specialist support the GOP in any way, shape, or form.

I was speaking specifically to the female "journalists" they employ...eye candy that turns wretchedly ugly once they start talking. The guys are all middle-aged dumbasses that never question anything...just spew the agenda.
Also, the idea that media has become biased is an illusion or fantasy; it's always been biased, and there's nothing wrong with that. But that depends on an educated readership who can identify bias.

That said, great fact-checking has declined, cable news has dumbed everything down, and talk radio and Fox News are simply, um, stupid and dangerous. And that's not even touching Internet sources.

Also worth noting that is that almost all media is a product that depends on selling ads.
Sadly, I think most (like 51% or so) of the news sources are still just reporting the news, but if it's a local Fox station the assumption is there is "conservative" spin among "liberals" and if it's not affiliated with Fox, Fox has done an absolutely outstanding job selling "conservatives" the idea that all other media has a "liberal" spin.

But CNN's regular news is pretty straight (albeit not that great), AP has spent its existence just reporting what facts it discovers and selling those unbiased stories to whatever media outlets need copy. So the regular outlets aren't really spun in their straight news reporting (not all of the shows that are basically televised columns) and the wire services still just report what's known and avoid adding assumptions about the motivation of statements or actions or expressing an opinion about.

Most news outlets still get fair representation from both sides of an issue to discuss a given issue. It's not the networks' fault if the conservative commentators or pundits come off looking like twits. Remember when Katie Couric had the unmitigated gaul to ask Sarah Palin what papers she read? Remember how she was vilified by the right for "attacking" the vice presidential candidate. Simple fucking question, but Palin wasn't smart enough to know the name of a paper...twit tripped over her own uninformed feet.

Yeah, journalistic standards are an endangered species. Here's a great take on it by Mr. Oliver, who despite being blatantly liberal hits the nail perfectly in this piece:

Dude, CNN has done nothing other than bash Donald Trump on a daily basis. They are also feverishly anti-gun. If that matches you're line of thinking, then yes, CNN would appear to be "pretty straight". CNN didn't earn the title "Clinton News Network" for nothing.

Please note, I'm not saying Fox News isn't a mouthpiece for the GOP, they are. CNN is far, far from neutral though.
Dude, CNN has done nothing other than bash Donald Trump on a daily basis. They are also feverishly anti-gun. If that matches you're line of thinking, then yes, CNN would appear to be "pretty straight". CNN didn't earn the title "Clinton News Network" for nothing.

Please note, I'm not saying Fox News isn't a mouthpiece for the GOP, they are. CNN is far, far from neutral though.

Donald is and always has been a piece of shit. Fox was bashing until he became the candidate. But the bashing is coming from the columnists, not the actually straight news segments. While these segments are getting farer and fewer between, Fox did away with them completely years ago.

CNN is just a middle-of-the-road news outlet trying to get as many viewers as possible while not really catering to any particular demographic, they're almost generic news with some less strident mouthpieces. You're upset and I understand why, sorry.

According to national polls, the vast majority of Americans favor a change in gun laws, as such they are more a reflection of our society than those that would be dominated by they NRA which has a membership that represents less and 2% of the U.S. population.

The "Clinton News Network"...really? That's so ridiculously childish and new one for me. I remember them giving Romney a fair shake and McCain as well, until they imploded when Palin was added to the ticket. In 2000 they weren't actively against Bush, he was just one of two folks running for President. Trump is a different beast and even a significant percentage of Republicans and right leaning Independents are running as far away from his stench as they can.
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CNN is just a middle-of-the-road news outlet trying to get as many viewers as possible while not really catering to any particular demographic, they're almost generic news with some less strident mouthpieces.

Completely disagree.

The "Clinton News Network"...really? That's so ridiculously childish and new one for me. I remember them giving Romney a fair shake and McCain as well, until they imploded when Palin was added to the ticket. In 2000 they weren't actively against Bush, he was just one of two folks running for President. Trump is a different beast and even a significant percentage of Republicans and right leaning Independents are running as far away from his stench as they can.

Clinton News Network goes at least back to the primary. CNN has been in the bag for Clinton since the beginning of the primary cycle. CNN and MSNBC were anti-Sanders and refused to cover him until they finally couldn't ignore him. That Trump is a terrible candidate doesn't preclude CNN from being staunchly pro-Clinton.
How can a news outlet not bash Trump when he keeps saying such stupid shit?

Fox has Giuliani on almost daily translating, deciphering, trying to spin the hell out of his rants to make him seem appealing. Rudy used to be good people too. 9/11 and the rounding of wagons among the republicans afterwards really changed a lot of people from being right leaning centrists to xenophobic sad was a remains sad.

Oh yeah, my favorite stuff all these folks that want a return Reagan forget...he was pro-immigration and pro-changing guns laws, especially after the assassination attempt. Trump is nothing like Reagan, and Reagan is a low standard to hold yourself to.
Fox has Giuliani on almost daily translating, deciphering, trying to spin the hell out of his rants to make him seem appealing. Rudy used to be good people too. 9/11 and the rounding of wagons among the republicans afterwards really changed a lot of people from being right leaning centrists to xenophobic sad was a remains sad.

Oh yeah, my favorite stuff all these folks that want a return Reagan forget...he was pro-immigration and pro-changing guns laws, especially after the assassination attempt. Trump is nothing like Reagan, and Reagan is a low standard to hold yourself to.

did they show the part where rudy said "that in the 8 years before obama, there were no terrorist attacks on america. they all started when clinton and obama were in office."

hello......9/11? Dubya?
did they show the part where rudy said "that in the 8 years before obama, there were no terrorist attacks on america. they all started when clinton and obama were in office."

hello......9/11? Dubya?

I honestly don't know. I avoid watching the news, I read it for more details, not just sound bites. As has been touched on, looking at foreign news like BBC (at least for we Americans) give a less subjective perspective on the shit storm that is America.

My grandfather worked for CBS with Cronkite and then managed NBC in the ' it's kind of hard to watch modern guys. Dan Rather used to not be highly thought of in the '80s, but he's leagues above most of the modern newscasters...he was actually a journalist. Now it's basically clear channel or satellite news...dial in the bland or "news" packaged just for your taste, telling you exactly what you want to hear (accuracy be damned).
Fox has Giuliani on almost daily translating, deciphering, trying to spin the hell out of his rants to make him seem appealing. Rudy used to be good people too. 9/11 and the rounding of wagons among the republicans afterwards really changed a lot of people from being right leaning centrists to xenophobic sad was a remains sad.

Oh yeah, my favorite stuff all these folks that want a return Reagan forget...he was pro-immigration and pro-changing guns laws, especially after the assassination attempt. Trump is nothing like Reagan, and Reagan is a low standard to hold yourself to.

As a former Giuliani supporter, any last bit of credibility he had went out the window with his "there were no terrorist attacks before Obama" quip. IMO, it's been a terrible downward spiral for him since his awful presidential run, and unfortunately, it's tainted his legacy as the City's best mayor since LaGuardia.
Dude, CNN has done nothing other than bash Donald Trump on a daily basis. They are also feverishly anti-gun. If that matches you're line of thinking, then yes, CNN would appear to be "pretty straight". CNN didn't earn the title "Clinton News Network" for nothing.

Please note, I'm not saying Fox News isn't a mouthpiece for the GOP, they are. CNN is far, far from neutral though.
CNN has seemed pretty biased when I've watched it. It usually lines up with my personal bias but they definitely do not dig Trump.

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At this point, even Fox seems to be against him. Odd, since they created him.
But he lashed out at them with the Megyn Kelly stuff and for as little as I've watched or listened to Fox that seemed to be a turning point in their attitude towards him.

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