OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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I've read Animal Farm, which in reality is what any attempt at communism turns out to be. People are selfish, and the most clever ones will game the system to their advantage.

You could just as easily say that about capitalism.

I admire Orwell's work - his nonfiction is even better - but to say that Animal Farm is an inditement of communism as a political theory is high-school level oversimplification.
Occupy did not die a "natural death". It was utilized by Sanders to make an almost unprecedented run to the Democratic nomination and given legitimate input into the DNC platform for 2016. It responded to this remarkable graciousness by unloading a bazillion Dank "Hillary is a murderer" memes and attempting to nuke the Convention.

If it is dead...and lets hope. It was suicide.

You could just as easily say that about capitalism.

I admire Orwell's work - his nonfiction is even better - but to say that Animal Farm is an inditement of communism as a political theory is high-school level oversimplification.
I don't disagree with you on this either. If people weren't so greedy and corrupt either system would work, but that is not human nature. No matter what someone will always take advantage of the less fortunate.
first, i don't watch fox news. second, i didn't say anything about socialism OR sanders. please stop making assumptions.

i said "communists - facsists..............tomato - tomaato". meaning one evil political system is the same as another in that they both end up enslaving the people.

I've read Animal Farm, which in reality is what any attempt at communism turns out to be. People are selfish, and the most clever ones will game the system to their advantage.

Why is anyone even talking about Communism, then? How is Communism in any way relevant to modern politics in America?

It couldn't be because an embarrassingly huge number of Americans don't know the difference between Socialism and Communism, and conservative politicians like Hillary Clinton used this fact to their advantage, could it?

I admire Orwell's work - his nonfiction is even better - but to say that Animal Farm is an inditement of communism as a political theory is high-school level oversimplification.

Animal Farm was written specifically as an indictment of Stalinism, which Orwell had firsthand experience with as a member of an independent Communist militia fighting the Fascists in Spain. Russia was intent on unifying the left militias in Spain under the Comintern, and brutally subjugated those that resisted... like Orwell's POUM. Orwell himself barely escaped Spain with his life after the POUM was denounced as Fascists by the Soviets. Orwell was an ardent anti-Stalinist, but remained a vocal Socialist. Animal Farm was written in an era where British leftists were uncritical of Stalin, and the British people in general thought highly of Stalin because of their allegiance against Germany.

Orwell was a great essayist (I first discovered him through reading "Shooting An Elephant" in school), but I still consider 1984 his crowning achievement.
Why is anyone even talking about Communism, then? How is Communism in any way relevant to modern politics in America?


Orwell was a great essayist (I first discovered him through reading "Shooting An Elephant" in school), but I still consider 1984 his crowning achievement.

Honestly were are now at a cross roads in western civilization where either we will wind up with a 1984 type of government or everything will descend into anarchy and medieval type society (provided anyone survives it). People are too divided and far more interested in their own agendas than doing anything for the greater good. Yes there are individuals who aren't like that, but the system we have created allows the most selfish and self interested individuals to take (and keep) control.
Occupy did not die a "natural death". It was utilized by Sanders to make an almost unprecedented run to the Democratic nomination and given legitimate input into the DNC platform for 2016. It responded to this remarkable graciousness by unloading a bazillion Dank "Hillary is a murderer" memes and attempting to nuke the Convention.

If it is dead...and lets hope. It was suicide.

Also, I'm pretty sure some the people attacking trump supporters and breaking car windows were Occupy/Anarchist types, not real Bernie voters.
Occupy was an early appearance of what's to come. It isn't dead, it just slinked back a bit into the complacency of society. It will emerge again at a time when another uncertain percentage of people have reached their breaking points and they will join them to display something larger.

The pitchforks are coming.


Occupy was an early appearance of what's to come. It isn't dead, it just slinked back a bit into the complacency of society. It will emerge again at a time when another uncertain percentage of people have reached their breaking points and they will join them to display something larger.

The pitchforks are coming.


Smart guy!
well the Dumpster announced a new catch phrase today......extreme vetting.......extreme vetting......extreme vetting.
he said it three times in a row. must be the truth. :mad::mad:
well the Dumpster announced a new catch phrase today......extreme vetting.......extreme vetting......extreme vetting.
he said it three times in a row. must be the truth. :mad::mad:
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