OMG Politics, I'm over it already.

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Good speech last night. Some of the die hards weren't happy, but what exactly did they expect?

We'll see who has the longest standing O at the convention.
Can't blame him, especially after being f'd over by the DNC. Doubtful that he'll run for any office after his term is up, so why not make a statement?
Bernie or bust people are ridiculous. America or at least the ones that vote Democratic have spoken. Yes, I am still holding out hope, something will happen, she will get locked up and the runner up gets the nomination but, I'm not whining about it. Bernie lost. DNC helped him loose but, he could of overcome it. I liked Bernie soooo much more than Hillary but, he was never my dream candidate. He is to the right of me on guns. Maybe for other people, that was enough to not vote for him. and he really tanked with the black vote. Why, I still don't get it. Maybe after 8 years of republican light Obama, it became fashionable in the black community to get into the stock market. So if all black people only worry about how the stock market is doing and don't need good paying jobs, I can see why they would choose Hillary.
Bernie or bust people are ridiculous. America or at least the ones that vote Democratic have spoken. Yes, I am still holding out hope, something will happen, she will get locked up and the runner up gets the nomination but, I'm not whining about it. Bernie lost. DNC helped him loose but, he could of overcome it. I liked Bernie soooo much more than Hillary but, he was never my dream candidate. He is to the right of me on guns. Maybe for other people, that was enough to not vote for him. and he really tanked with the black vote. Why, I still don't get it. Maybe after 8 years of republican light Obama, it became fashionable in the black community to get into the stock market. So if all black people only worry about how the stock market is doing and don't need good paying jobs, I can see why they would choose Hillary.
I was for Bernie more than I have been in for any other candidate in the entire time I have been eligible to vote ( I am 45) but there is no way I'm not voting for Hilary (barring her having a 50 point lead in VA, then I may vote Jill stein just to give the Green Party a chance at federal funding). I think Trump getting to pick even 1 Supreme Court justice would be catastrophic.
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